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例句 The men looked decidedly uncomfortable.这些人看起来特别不舒服。The Government had been decidedly ambivalent about developing European social policy.政府在制定欧洲的社会政策方面显然一直摇摆不定。His comments were decidedly uncomplimentary.他的点评明显是贬损性的。It soon became clear that authors were decidedly in the majority.作家占绝大多数,这一点很快就变得明了起来。They did show decidedly corporatist tendencies.他们的确坚决地表明了社团主义的倾向。She had a decidedly down-at-heel appearance.她外表看起来实在很寒酸。The intervention of the authorities gave union struggles a decidedly political flavour.当权者的干预给工会的斗争染上了明显的政治色彩。The play has received decidedly negative reviews.那出戏受到明显的负面评论。The organization has a decidedly conservative orientation.那个团体有明显的保守派取向。The weather had turned decidedly chilly.天气明显变冷了。The boys were decidedly feminine, so much so that their parents sought professional help.那些男孩明显太过阴柔,他们的父母为此不得不向专业人士求助。I came from a family that was decidedly oddball you know.你要知道,我的家人个个古怪得紧。He was decidedly careful about what he told me.他对跟我说的那些话显然非常小心谨慎。Chris's car was old and looked decidedly dangerous.克里斯的汽车很旧,看起来确实很危险。The worst sign of age was in the fabric which looked decidedly ancient.岁月最无情的痕迹留在了那块看起来明显很古老的织物上。It became clear that they were decidedly unwelcome.情势已经明了,他们确实不受欢迎。Sometimes he is decidedly uncomfortable at what he sees on the screen.他有时会对屏幕上出现的画面明显感到不自在。The atmosphere in the room was decidedly frosty.房间里的气氛明显很冷。An agreement is looking decidedly difficult according to the newspapers.据报纸报道,达成协议显然非常困难。Cole's style is decidedly more formal than the previous manager's.科尔的待人处事风格显然比前任经理要更拘谨。I came from a family that was decidedly oddball.我来自一个非常古怪的家庭。The phrases have decidedly different meanings.这些短语有明显不同的含义。The movie received decidedly mixed reviews. 这部电影受到了截然不同的各种评论。Representatives of the other branches adopted a decidedly different view.其他分部的代表持截然不同的观点。




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