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词汇 都柏林
例句 How much is a return ticket to Dublin?都柏林的来回票要多少钱?They adapted a Russian play and made the setting Dublin rather than Moscow.他们改编了一部俄罗斯戏剧,把背景由莫斯科改成了都柏林She plans to return to Dublin to catch up with relatives.她计划回都柏林去了解亲属的近况。He was given the Freedom of the City of Dublin by the Lord Mayor.市长阁下亲自向他颁发了都柏林市荣誉市民称号。Deidre decided to go into Dublin on her day off to do some shopping.戴德丽打算在她休息那天去都柏林购物。Dublin has rocketed up the charts to become one of Europe's most popular tourist destinations for city breaks.都柏林的排名飞速攀升,成为了欧洲最受欢迎的旅游度假城市之一。The train backed out of Adelaide Yard on to the Dublin-Belfast line.火车倒出了阿德莱德调车场,开上了都柏林-贝尔法斯特线。She plans to return to Dublin to catch up with the relatives she has not seen since she married.她打算回都柏林,去看望一下结婚后就再没见过面的亲戚。The Transport Minister has issued two new licences to private bus operators in the Dublin area.交通部长给都柏林地区两家私营公交公司颁发了营运许可。They will play a special one-off gig in Dublin next year.他们将于明年在都柏林举行唯一一场特别演出。She's the buyer for a stylish boutique in Dublin.她是都柏林一家时尚精品店的采购员。Dublin is the capital of Ireland.都柏林是爱尔兰的首都。She has jaunted from Belfast to Dublin and back.她从贝尔法斯特到都柏林作短途旅行,然后返回。I spent most of my youth hanging around the bars of Dublin.我年轻时多半时间都泡在都柏林的酒吧里。The absurd trial is a sendup of the Dublin courts.那荒谬的审判是对都柏林法院讽刺性的模仿。He spent the first few months on a walking and sketching tour, before fetching up in Dublin.他头几个月的行程都是边走边画,不期然间竟然到了都柏林She was a shady figure in the Dublin underworld.她是都柏林黑社会中的可疑人物。Both London and Dublin are playing the matter down.伦敦和都柏林方面对此事都在有意淡化。She placed an anonymous call to the Dutch Embassy in Dublin.她给在都柏林的荷兰大使馆打了一个匿名电话。It felt strange to be back in Dublin.重回都柏林我感到有点不自在。He was well travelled, spending at least a decade in the United States and in Europe, before settling in Dublin.他去过很多地方,在都柏林定居之前,他在美国和欧洲住过至少十年。McGuigan defended his title in Dublin.麦圭根在都柏林卫冕成功。Set in contemporary Dublin, this pacy thriller features kidnapping, mayhem and murder.这部节奏紧张刺激的惊悚片以当代都柏林为背景,包含了绑架、暴力致人伤残和谋杀情节。The girls fell in love with Dublin on previous visits. They said that what they liked was the buzz about the place.姑娘们在前几次的游览中就爱上了都柏林,她们说她们喜欢这个城市的时尚氛围。When Uncle Guy arrived from Dublin he brought them an enormous box of chocolates.盖伊叔叔从都柏林来的时候给他们买了一大盒巧克力。Temple Bar is Dublin's lively bohemian quarter.坦普尔巴是都柏林具有波希米亚风格且充满活力的地区。Tens of thousands lined the route from Dublin airport.都柏林机场出来的道路两边站着数万人。Dublin is thought of first and foremost for its literary heritage.都柏林让人最先想到的是其文学遗产。He won himself two first-class tickets to fly to Dublin.他为自己赢得了两张飞往都柏林的头等舱机票。Bertie Ahern will host a working dinner for Tony Blair tonight as he jets into Dublin on a whistle-stop tour of EU capitals.正在对欧盟各成员国首都作短暂访问的托尼·布莱尔今晚将飞抵都柏林,届时伯蒂·埃亨将设工作晚宴予以款待。The company plans to open two new stores in Dublin.该公司计划在都柏林开两家新店。In August we shifted our furniture to Dublin.八月时我们把家具搬到了都柏林The charity provides school meals for disadvantaged children in a Dublin school.这家慈善机构为都柏林的一所学校里经济困难的学生提供校园餐。O'Connell Bridge in Dublin is famous for being broader than it is long.都柏林的奥康奈尔桥因其宽度大于长度而闻名。His travels took him to Dublin, among other places.他游历过很多地方,其中包括都柏林




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