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词汇 deceptive
例句 The low price is deceptive. Many fees are added to it before the purchase is complete.这个低价带有欺骗性。采购完成前会附加许多笔费用。This mushroom looks harmless enough, but appearances can be deceptive and it is in fact very poisonous.这种蘑菇看上去无害,但是外表不一定可信,其实它毒性很大。First appearances are deceptive.第一印象是靠不住的。The apparent simplicity of his plot is deceptive.他的故事情节看似简单,其实不然。The article accuses the company of deceptive advertising.文章指责这家公司做虚假广告。Appearances can be deceptive, sometimes dangerously deceptive.外表有时具有误导性,有时甚至会带来危险。He appears to be happy, but appearances can be deceptive/deceiving.他看样子很幸福,但表面现象可能是靠不住的/带有欺骗性的。My first impression proved deceptive.事实证明我的第一印象有误。The restaurant doesn't look very appealing, but looks can be deceiving/deceptive. 这家饭馆看起来不怎么样,但外表有时是靠不住的。He seemed perfectly healthy before he had his heart attack. That just goes to show that appearances can be deceptive.在心脏病发作之前他看起来挺健康的。这恰好证明表相可能有欺骗性。I know appearances can be deceptive, but Jeffrey didn't seem like a wife-beater.我知道人不可貌相,可是杰弗里并不像是个会打老婆的人。It's deceptive - from the outside the building looks small, but inside it's very big.这是一种错觉——从外面看这栋建筑物很小,但内部空间却相当大。The apparent simplicity of his plot is deceptive.他的故事情节貌似简单,其实不然。Federal organizations have been monitoring the Internet for deceptive advertisements, consumer fraud, and other unlawful activities.一些联邦机构一直在监控互联网上是否有做虚假广告、欺骗消费者等的违法活动。




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