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He ran over to his neighbor's house to see what was going on.他跑到邻居家去看看出了什么事。We bought two parcels of our neighbor's farm.我们买了邻居家农场的两片地。Our neighbors have a swimming pool in their backyard.我们邻居家的后院有个游泳池。He likes to harass the neighbor's dog as a cheap thrill. 他喜欢骚扰邻居家的狗,并以此为易得之乐。I borrowed the neighbour kid's bike to get around.我借了邻居家小孩的自行车代步。Jack chummed with the new neighbor's children.杰克与新搬来的邻居家孩子交了朋友。She fled with her children, moving from neighbour to neighbour and ending up in a friend's cellar.她带着孩子逃亡,从一个邻居家跑到另一个邻居家,最后逃到了一个朋友的地下室。We rallied around our neighbors when their house burned down.我们邻居家失火后,大家一起帮助他们渡过难关。The sound of music wafted softly into the yard from our neighbor's house.音乐声从我们邻居家轻轻地飘进了庭院。A neighbour's horse came galloping the road, riderless.邻居家的一匹马在马路上飞奔,上面没有骑人。The neighbor's dog is extremely territorial and barks if you come close to the yard.邻居家的狗有极强的地盘性,如果你靠近院子,它就会朝你狂吠。We should be in when you arrive, but if the worst comes to the worst, the neighbours have a spare key and will let you into the house.你到的时候我们应该在家,万一不在,邻居家还有一把备用钥匙,能让你进屋。I walked over to my neighbor's house to pass the time of day. 我走到邻居家去聊聊天。The pair were then bundled off to a neighbour's house by waiting police.留守的警察随后把夫妇俩打发到邻居家去了。Our neighbour's baby cries morning, noon, and night.我们邻居家的婴儿从早到晚都在哭。The guests might belong to one of the next doors.这些客人可能是我们这儿哪一家邻居家的客人。They used to throw rocks at neighborhood dogs.他们以前经常朝邻居家的狗扔石子。We planted a row of shrubs to screen our backyard from the neighbors.我们种了一排灌木,这样就把自家后院和邻居家隔开了。He used to get cheap thrills out of frightening the girl next door.他以前老吓唬邻居家的小女孩,寻求低俗的刺激。 |