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词汇 那时
例句 I was too young and shallow to understand love.那时我太年轻无知,不懂得什么是爱情。Try to picture what life was like back in those days.试着想象一下那时生活的样子。They suffered a great deal in those days.那时他们吃了不少苦。Polio was then endemic among children my age.那时小儿麻痹症在和我同龄的孩子中很常见。I was watching the nightly television news.那时正在看晚间电视新闻。The infantry were advancing to attack the ridge.步兵部队那时正向前挺进攻打一处山脊。Meat was available once a week if at all.即便那时有肉吃,也不过是一周吃一次。Every time I saw her for two days I just screamed like a fishwife.那时,只要见她两天,我就会生气地大喊大叫。Tess was trying to wean herself from the old life.黛丝那时正努力使自己摆脱过去的生活。We had to make an emergency landing.我们那时只好进行紧急降落。At that time it wasn't clear in my mind what had happened.那时我心里并不明白发生了什么。Paul was drinking heavily by then.那时保罗喝酒喝得很厉害。At that moment she would have given her right arm to not be in that room.那时为了不呆在那个房间里她什么都会愿意做。Then the Internet was still something of a novelty.那时因特网还是个挺新鲜的东西。It's fair to say that by then he had lost the support of his staff.恰当地说,那时他已经失去了员工的支持。Enemy troops were even then approaching the city.敌军那时正在逼近那座城市。Young people then were all terribly proper.那时的年轻人全都彬彬有礼。I was twelve, and starting to put on weight and grow taller.那时十二岁,体重开始增加,个子也开始长高了。I was on the back doorstep shaking out a rug.那时正站在后门台阶上抖一块小地毯。I really believed that my parents didn't love me.那时真的认为父母不爱我。She was next door at the time.那时她就住隔壁。Did you have to do military service?那时一定要服兵役吗?Few children remained in the school beyond the age of 15 then.那时很少有十五岁以上的儿童继续上学的。We were sailing from Dover to Calais.我们那时正从多佛尔驶向加来。He feared he was losing his mind.那时害怕自己会失去理智。Her own son was also in the Navy.她自己的儿子那时也在海军。One and a half years have passed since then. = A year and a half has passed since then.那时起,一年半已经过去了。The children were a great consolation to me at that time.那时孩子们成了我莫大的安慰。People then were more content with their modest lot than they are now with all their abundance.比起现在的富有,那时的人们虽然物质有限,却更加满足。We can only guess what went through the mind of a man who could look back to the dawn of powered flight.一个能够回想起动力飞行初始阶段的人那时脑子里想了些什么,我们只能够猜测而已。I took the view then that I had reached the end of my tether.那时认定我已无法可想了。I was too busy swotting for my exams to be much interested in girls.那时正忙着准备考试,对女孩子没多大兴趣。He was cornered. There was so much pressure, he lost all hope of living.那时,他被逼到墙角了,有很大的压力,没有活下去的希望了。E-commerce was then seen as a booming economic area.电子商务那时被视为日趋繁荣的经济领域。At that time we were never apart.那时我们从不分开。His parents lost their life savings when the stock market crashed.那时股市崩盘,他父母一生的积蓄都付诸东流了。The winds were light and variable.那时风不大,且风向多变。At that moment, the man he was looking for was in Germany.他要找的人那时在德国。I was thirteen years old and very innocent.那时十三岁,非常单纯无知。I was just totally stressed out and afraid I couldn't continue.那时我整个人心力交瘁,担心自己坚持不下去了。




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