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词汇 道路
例句 As John approached at full tilt he saw a queue of traffic blocking the road.约翰全速接近的时候,看到一大串车辆挡住了道路Many roads are blocked by snow but Snake Pass is still open.许多道路都被雪封住了,但斯内克山口仍可通行。The flooding muddied the roads.洪水使道路泥泞不堪。Gradually the road became more rutted and muddy.渐渐地,路面上的车辙越来越多,道路越来越泥泞。The Prime Minister resigned today, clearing the way for the formation of a new government.首相今天的辞职为新政府的组建扫清了道路She ran the car off the road.她把车开离了道路All roads within a two-mile radius of the stadium were closed.体育馆两英里范围内的所有道路都已封闭了。There was a line of fir trees on either side of the road.道路两旁枞树林立。Be careful, the road twists up ahead.小心,前方道路有转弯。He was convicted of causing danger to other road users.他被判对其他道路使用者造成危险。The decision could open the way for other children to sue their parents.此判决为其他儿童起诉父母开辟了道路The road is being widened to keep traffic moving.为保持交通畅达,道路正在进行拓宽。Spring soups the roads and the whole operation shuts down.春天使道路变得泥泞不堪,全部工程只得停顿下来。The road levels off just before the river.就在河的前面道路变得平坦了。The road descends to the beach.道路下斜通向海滩。The density of the flakes and the depth of the snow prevented us from seeing the road clearly.纷扬的大雪和厚厚的积雪使我们无法看清道路A serious road accident caused traffic chaos yesterday.昨天一起严重的道路事故导致了交通混乱。The route of the procession was lined with police officers standing shoulder to shoulder.游行所经道路两边都是肩并肩站立的警察。We fought tooth and nail to get the route of the new road changed.我们奋力抗争,争取改变新修道路的路线。Roads have to be dug up to lay underground cables.不得不挖开道路来铺设地下电缆。The road was originally built by the Romans.那条道路最初是罗马人修建的。Drive carefully on those icy roads.那些道路结了冰,要小心驾驶。Police cordoned off the road and diverted commuter traffic.警察封锁了道路并分流交通。The road goes downhill all the way from our house to yours.道路从我们家到你们家一路向下倾斜。He grabbed the steering wheel from her to prevent the car going off the road.他从她手中夺过方向盘,以避免汽车驶离道路The roads intersect near the bridge.这些道路在大桥附近相交。This year has seen a big increase in road accidents.今年道路交通事故大增。The road was built in the teeth of fierce opposition from the public.这条道路是在公众的强烈反对下修起来的。Schools were closed when the roads iced over.道路结冰,学校停课了。The road makes a sharp descent just past the lake.道路一过湖泊便陡峭下倾。That car tried to pass me on the inside.那辆汽车试图从道路的内侧超过我。The company had once been uncompromisingly socialist.该公司曾一度坚定地走社会主义道路The government has launched a new road safety campaign in an attempt to reduce the number of road accidents.政府发起了一场新的行车安全运动,目的是减少道路交通事故。The road was completely blocked by an overturned truck.道路完全被翻倒的卡车堵住了。The main road is passable but most others are still covered with snow.主路可以通行,但大多数其他道路还有积雪覆盖。The mud made the roads impassable.这些道路非常泥泞,无法通行。Research shows that young people without jobs are most likely to turn to crime.研究显示,无业的年轻人更易走上犯罪道路The road twists and turns up the hillside.道路弯弯曲曲地顺着山坡延伸而上。I hope you will choose a different path.我希望你会选择一条不同的道路Heavy traffic is causing long delays on the roads.交通量大造成道路严重阻塞。




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