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词汇 道德准则
例句 Anyone who violates every canon of decency as she has done should be dismissed immediately.像她这样违反了所有道德准则的人应该立即被开除。Europe's varied cultural, political and ethical norms欧洲形形色色的文化、政治和道德准则Today the moral guidelines are less obivous than they were.现在的道德准则不像从前那么明确了。He has always lived his life by a hopelessly quixotic code of honour.他生活中一直遵循一种完全不切实际的堂吉诃德式的道德准则You won't find this moral precept in the scriptures.你在《圣经》中找不到这种道德准则These ideas are relics of Victorian discipline.这些理念是维多利亚时期道德准则的遗风。Some people believe that the increase in crime shows that society is losing its moral compass.一些人认为,犯罪率的上升反映了社会道德准则的缺失。The canons of ethics say you have to respect and comply with the law.道德准则指出,你必须尊重并且遵守法律。He has high principles and a very caring nature.他有着崇高的道德准则,还很有爱心。Doctors don't have a monopoly on morality.并不是只有医生才有道德准则The practice is not in step with modern morality.这种做法有悖于现代道德准则Not all men are as honorable or hold to the same standards as Sam.不是所有的人都像萨姆那样品德如此高尚,抑或恪守同样的道德准则As a therapist he has to follow a very strict code of ethics.作为一名治疗专家,他得遵守严格的道德准则Edward does not carry over his business ethics into his personal relationships.爱德华并不把他在生意中的道德准则运用到私人关系中去。They live according to a deeply held moral code.他们的生活有着执着的道德准则Aesop's fables illustrate moral maxims.伊索寓言阐明了道德准则My father has always had high moral standards.我父亲一直具有很高的道德准则He's against sex before marriage on principle.他出于道德准则反对婚前性行为。It is common to distinguish between personal and social ethics.个人道德准则和社会道德准则常常不一致。The old ethic of hard work has given way to a new ethic of instant gratification.提倡埋头苦干的旧道德准则已被及时行乐的新道德观所取代。She's got high standards.她有很高的道德准则I am not speaking in a moral vacuum.我可不是脱离特定道德准则说这些话的。Such conduct outrages our rules of morality.这种行为违背我们的道德准则




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