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词汇 通道
例句 They must circumvent the obstacle that blocks their path.他们必须绕过堵在通道上的障碍。The workers were tunnelling through solid rock.工人们正在坚石中挖掘一条通道Magellan was trying to find a passage to the Indian Ocean.麦哲伦试图找到一条通向印度洋的通道Police cleared a path through the protesters.警察从抗议者中间开出了一条通道I tiptoed along the passage to Claire's door and peeped in.我踮起脚走过通道,来到克莱尔的门口,朝里面偷看。The crowd edged back to make a path for her.人群缓缓向后移动,为她腾出一条通道With incredible swiftness she ran down the passage.她沿通道飞奔而去。We squeezed through a narrow passage between the rocks.我们从岩石间狭窄的通道勉强通过。In the corridors he let her navigate her own way round the trolleys and other obstacles.通道里,他让她自己小心地绕过小推车和其他障碍物。The dark labyrinth had no issue.这座昏暗的迷宫不见有出口通道The mole burrowed its way under the ground.鼹鼠在地下刨出一条通道The path was obscured almost to the point of invisibility.这条通道昏暗到几乎看不见的程度。The alimentary canal is the path by which food enters the body, and solid waste is passed out.消化道是食物进入身体,固体废物排出身体的通道Macmillan was the coming man while Spears was the fading force.麦克米伦正处于上升通道,而斯皮尔斯则在走下坡路。There was a small office leading off a passage between the kitchen and the back door.厨房和后门之间的通道尽头有一间小小的办公室。The President walked down a lane formed by two lines of soldiers.总统沿著两列士兵组成的通道上走过去。The back way was blocked.后面的通道被堵住了。A helpful neighbor shoveled our walkway.一位热心的邻居替我们把通道铲干净了。The apartments are accessible by way of glass walkways and gantries overlooking the garden.通过俯瞰花园的玻璃通道和连廊可以进入这几套公寓。The usher came down the aisle towards them.引座员沿著通道向他们走去。She tried to cut through the undergrowth.她试图从矮丛林中开出一条通道The passage ended blindly fifty feet away.那条通道在五十英尺外突然中断了。He forced a passage for the singer through the crowd.他从人群中挤出一条通道让歌手通过。They tried to burrow a narrow path upward.他们试图朝上挖一条通道Narrow corridors lead off from the main hallway.狭长的通道从主廊延展开来。We ran through the dark passage.我们跑过黑暗的通道Pakistan became a conduit for drugs produced in Afghanistan.巴基斯坦变成了阿富汗制造的毒品向外贩运的通道This pass was the door through which the invaders poured into the country.这个关口就是入侵者源源涌进这个国家的通道Passageways were pierced through the walls of houses.在房子的墙壁上凿出了通道Drug traffickers have used the country as a conduit for shipments to the U.S.毒品贩子利用该国作为把毒品运往美国的通道The ship passed through the narrow entrance to the bay.船穿过一个狭长的通道驶入了海湾。He walked down the middle aisle.他沿着中间通道走来。Do not enter the box until your exit is clear.出口通道通畅时方可进入网状线区域。The railway is the only outlet to the sea.这条铁路是去海边的惟一通道He slipped and fell on an airplane gangway as the cameras rolled.在摄像时他不慎滑倒在飞机座位间的通道上。The only road access is a tortuous mountain route.唯一的陆路通道是一条蜿蜒的山道。The ice leads made the capture of the seals possible.冰间通道使人们能捕到海豹。The theatre has good access for the disabled.这家剧院为残疾人准备了很方便的通道You'll find the shampoo and the soap in the fourth aisle from the entrance.洗发香波和肥皂在从入口处数第四个通道的货架上。The police forced a passage through the crowd.警察在人群中辟出一条通道




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