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例句 It was a derelict cellar, quite the ultimate in squalor.那是个破败的地窖,真是肮脏透顶These people are completely selfish.这些人自私透顶This is patently absurd.这显然荒唐透顶The whole idea is completely cock-eyed.这主意荒唐透顶It's a completely ludicrous idea.这主意真是荒唐透顶Staff are often discourteous and sometimes downright rude.职员经常很不礼貌,有时甚至粗鲁透顶The whole idea is preposterous.整个想法荒唐透顶He smells and he's dirty - he really grosses me out.他全身臭烘烘的,肮脏透顶——真让我恶心。He looked a complete mess - dressed anyhow with his hair sticking up.他那样子邋遢透顶,衣衫不整,头发翘着。I absolutely hate cooking.我对做饭厌恶透顶I deeply resented those sort of rumours being circulated at a time of deeply personal grief.我特别憎恨那种在人家伤心透顶的时候还在传播的谣言。His voice is downright irritating.他的声音烦人透顶The suggestion was downright risible.那个建议真是荒唐透顶She was dressed in the pokiest way imaginable.她穿得简直是邋遢透顶Insomnia is one of my curses, but not that night.失眠是让我苦恼透顶的一件事,不过那晚我没失眠。After the divorce he was a real mess and started drinking too much.离婚后他潦倒透顶,而且开始酗酒。First I missed the bus, then I spilled coffee on myself, and now my computer is frozen - it's just not my day.先是没有赶上公车,再是把咖啡泼了自己一身,现在电脑又死机了—今天我倒霉透顶了。Although not ideal, this attitude is not entirely destructive.这种态度虽然不够理想,但还不至于消极透顶




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