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词汇 选举前
例句 Politicians bid for popular favour around election time.选举前后政客们总要许愿讨好民众。Despite the violence that preceded the elections, polling was orderly and peaceful.尽管选举前发生了暴力事件,投票进程仍然是和平有序的。These elections, you could almost say, are a dress rehearsal for the real elections.你几乎可以说,这些选举是真正选举前的一次彩排。The city council will presumably sit on the report until after the election.市政府大概在选举前不想公布这份报告的内容。Labour took its pre-election campaign to the North-West.工党在西北部地区展开了其选举前的竞选活动。In the last days before the vote, both sides are saturating the airwaves.选举前最后几天,竞选双方占用了所有的广播电台和电视台。Intensive negotiations between the main parties preceded the vote.主要政党在选举前进行了集中的谈判。All this led to accusations that the Government had cooked the books on the economy before the election.所有这一切导致了对政府在选举前篡改经济数据的指控。Candidates will be sounding out voters during the months before the election.候选人在选举前的几个月里会试探选民的意见。These tax cuts are just a pre-election sweetener.这些减税措施只不过是选举前用来笼络人心的东西。In the run-up to the election, terrorists have intensified their activities.选举前的时期,恐怖分子活动得更猖狂了。The bomb attack on the capital could signal the start of a pre-election terror campaign.对首都的炸弹袭击可能标志着选举前的恐怖活动开始了。He has pulled ahead of the other candidates in the election polls.他在选举前的民意调查中领先其他候选人。The candidates participated in several debates before the election was held.候选人在选举前参加了多场辩论。The bomb attack on the capital could signal the start of a pre-election terror campaign.对首都的炸弹袭击可能标志着选举前的恐怖活动已拉开序幕。A few days before the elections, the pace began to hot up.选举前几天,节奏开始加快。Politicians try their best to remain uncontroversial before elections.政治家们在选举前尽最大努力不引起争议。Two weeks before the election the first reports of the scandal began to appear.选举前的两个星期开始出现丑闻的最初报道。




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