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词汇 选中
例句 You will need all your records if you are selected for audit by the IRS.如果你被国税局选中做审计,你将需要提交你的所有纳税记录。He'd have pitched upon you, had you happened to be here.如果你碰巧在这里,他定会选中你的。The aim of the neighbourhood studies was to obtain in-depth information from a number of selected communities.此次街区情况研究的目标是要从几个选中作调查的社区获得深入详尽的信息。His teacher was always singling him out, calling on him when his hand wasn't even raised.即使没有举手,老师也常常会选中他,叫他回答问题。Some Customs officers do show ingenuity in singling out persons for special attention.有些海关关员在选中重点注意对象方面确实别具慧眼。She singled him out at once as a possible victim.她立刻选中他作为可能下手的对象。They chose her of all people.他们在许多人中恰恰就选中了她。He had been chosen by a cabal of fellow senators.他已被一个由一些参议员同仁组成的小集团选中I don't see why they have picked on the smaller one.我不明白他们为什么选中那小的? When you have selected the file you want, click the "Open" box.选中了你想要的文件,用鼠标点击“打开”方框。He got drafted by the Jets.他被喷气机队选中了。Use the mouse to highlight the text you want to copy.用鼠标选中想要复制的文本。The team picked up three new players in the draft.球队从本次选拔中选中了三位新球员。Did the company choose her for her merits, or merely as an act of tokenism?公司选中她是因为她的工作业绩,还是仅仅为了装点门面?I selected a file and pressed the Delete key.选中一个文件,按下删除键。She believed that she had been selected by the Master to reveal forgotten wisdom.她认为自己已经被大师选中来揭示被人们遗忘的智慧。The Internal Revenue Service selected us for an audit.国税局选中我们作为审计对象。You move your mouse over a link, and a menu drops down.用鼠标选中一个链接,就会出现下拉选单。He is the most suitable person imaginable.他是想得到的人选中最合适的一位。You draw the shape somewhere on your worksheet, click on it and copy it to the clipboard.在工作表上画出图形,点击选中然后将其复制到剪贴板上。She married Basil, the man of her choice.她嫁给了她自己选中的男人巴兹尔。They told me up front that my chances of being selected weren't good.他们坦言选中我的机会不大。They wondered aloud why she had ever chosen Joe at all.他们都满腹狐疑地说,她为什么竟选中了乔呢。He chose her above all that roomful.在全室的人之中,他特别选中她。She braved the wrath of her parents by refusing to marry the man they had chosen.她不顾父母的不满,拒绝与他们选中的男人结婚。He was Haldeman's choice as the next Republican national chairman.他是霍尔德曼选中的下届共和党全国主席。The movie is being shown in selected cities.这部电影正在选中的几个城市里放映。"Why were you chosen for the team and not me?" "Maybe it's because I've been to more practices than you."“为什么球队选中了你,而不是我?”“也许是因为我参加训练的次数比你多。”Lord only knows why he picked me!只有天知道他为何选中了我!




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