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词汇 适时
例句 This is a timely reminder of the importance of the retail sector to our economy.适时提醒了人们零售业对于我们经济的重要性。Having been duly warned that I would get nowhere with my application, I went right ahead and applied anyway.虽然有人适时提醒我申请不会有什么结果,我还是执意提出了申请。I'll now call at the vicarage and report to you in due course.我现在要去教区牧师家拜访,然后适时向你汇报情况。The students were duly admonished to avoid all distractions and concentrate hard on their work.学生被适时告诫要避开所有分心的事情,专注自己的学业。One well-timed word from you will be all it needs.现在需要的只是你一句适时的话。The President's address was a fitting end to a bitter campaign.总统的讲话为一场激烈的竞选运动适时画上了句号。It is essential that all working components are well lubricated.给所有运转部件适时上润滑油是非常重要的。Her very timely book examines the effects of global warming on the world's climates.适时出版的书探讨了全球变暖对世界气候的影响。




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