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词汇 退休后
例句 People sometimes ask me what I'm going to do when I retire.人们有时问我退休后准备干什么。I intend to spend my retirement playing golf.我打算退休后打高尔夫球。He wanted to have a source of income after his retirement; until then, he wouldn't require additional money.他想退休后有份收入;在那以前,他并不需要额外的钱。I don't know how we'll ever replace Mary after she retires. She's really one of a kind.我不知道玛丽退休后我们如何找人替代她。像她这样的人实在是太少了。On behalf of everyone here, I'd like to wish Ted a long and happy retirement.我谨代表在场的所有人,祝特德退休后的生活长久而幸福。Since she retired, she's done some consulting for the company.退休后,她一直为这家公司做咨询。He keeps up with his colleagues even after his retirement.他在退休后仍和同事们保持联系。I don't think anyone will be able to fill her shoes after she retires.我认为她退休后,无人能填补她的空缺。He bought the cottage with an eye to retiring there.他买下那所乡间小屋以备退休后住在那里。After I retire I'm going to locate in California.退休后我打算在加州定居。Things were a real mess for a while after she retired.退休后生活一度陷入困境。I'm worried that after I retire I'll just sit at home, watch TV, and vegetate.我担心自己退休后只会待在家里,看看电视,整天无所事事。He found it hard to switch gears when he retired.他发现退休后很难调整好状态。Each month she puts some money aside for her retirement.每个月她都存些钱以备退休后用。We're just discovering the delights of being retired.我们刚刚开始体会到退休后的种种乐趣。Who will follow the prime minister when he retires?退休后谁继任首相?It is not uncommon for people to become depressed after they retire.人们退休后感到沮丧,这很常见。A new leader is needed to fill the vacuum left by his retirement.退休后留下的空缺需要新的领导来填补。He knew that his retirement would bring deliverance from the worries and stresses of his job.他知道退休后便能摆脱工作上的烦恼和压力。She became Emeritus Professor of Linguistics when she retired.退休后成为语言学荣誉退休教授。When she retired she took up painting.退休后,她开始学画画。He always said he'd retire to Hawaii, and by God, he did it!他总说退休后要搬到夏威夷去,天啊,他真的这么做了!When she retired, she redirected her energy towards her family.退休后,她把精力转移到照顾家人上。Clare's been groomed to take her father's place when he retires.克莱尔一直作为父亲退休后的接班人受到培养。He made a lot of money in real estate and was able to live very well after his retirement.他在房地产上赚了一大笔钱,退休后能过富足的生活。When the chairman of Campbell's retired, McGovern was named as his successor.坎贝尔公司的总裁退休后,麦戈文被选定为继任者。The staff all wished her a long and happy retirement.全体员工都祝她退休后长寿、幸福。When she retired, she did a lot of voluntary work for the Red Cross.退休后,她为红十字会做了大量义务工作。When we retire, we're going to move to a warmer climate.我们打算退休后搬到气候比较暖和的地方去。Jim retired to raise raspberries.吉姆退休后种植山莓。Her improvident habits left her with no retirement savings.她花钱大手大脚的习惯使她退休后没有任何积蓄。We plan to retire in/to Florida. = We plan to retire and move to Florida.我们打算退休后把家搬到佛罗里达州。Topics include adjusting to retirement, health issues, and opportunities for the future.话题包括调整退休后的生活、健康问题以及将来的发展机会等。Foreign travel never really appealed to him until he retired.他到退休后才真正对出国旅行产生了兴趣。He was expected to succeed Jack Smith as CEO when he retired.预计他会在杰克・史密斯退休后接任首席执行官的职位。Employees may face increasing pressure to take on more of their own medical costs in retirement.员工可能会面临越来越大的压力,即退休后要自己负担更多的医疗费。He'll turn the shop over to his son when he retires.退休后要把商店交给儿子经营。She didn't know what to do with herself after she retired.她不知道退休后该如何打发时间。He is a phenomenon that will leave the footlights only when he does actually retire.他是一个只有在真正退休后才会告别舞台生涯的奇才。She has remained very active during retirement.退休后依然非常活跃。




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