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词汇 退休
例句 A party of retired doctors is touring western Europe.一群退休医生在周游西欧各国。They've appointed a new minister to replace the one who just retired.他们任命了一名新部长接替刚退休的前任。She retired six months before her contract expired.她在合同期满前六个月退休He is now retired and on a pension.他现在退休了,靠养老金生活。When you retire, you want to live a comfortable life.退休的时候,大家都希望能过上舒适的生活。He died Thursday at a retirement home.星期四他死于退休老人福利院。Given the chance, I'd retire tomorrow.只要有机会,我明天就退休The income drawdown plan allows you to keep your fund invested in the stock market after retirement while you draw an annual income from it.收入支取计划让你退休以后能够保留股票市场投资,同时每年支取一次收益。He is retiring and passing the torch on to his successor.他要退休了,要把工作移交给他的继任者。For some, retirement can be a boring prelude to senility and death.对有些人来说,退休可能是衰老和死亡的无聊前奏。He is to retire on his sixtieth birthday.他将在六十岁生日那天退休He had worked hard and was looking forward to his retirement.他一直努力工作,盼望着自己退休的那一天。His retirement was, in a manner of speaking, the beginning of his real career.他的退休,从某种意义上讲,是他真正事业的开始。Realizing that his retirement was near at hand, he looked for some additional income.意识到自己快要退休了,他想要挣些外快。Morris has now banished all thoughts of retirement.莫里斯现在已经打消了退休的所有念头。He retired immediately after the end of the war.战争一结束他就退休了。Although she has retired now, she keeps her hand in by giving her grandchildren music lessons.尽管她现在退休了,她仍给孙辈们上音乐课,以免荒疏了自己的技艺。We bought the house with a view to retiring there.我们买下那幢房子,准备退休以后去那里住。After he retired, my grandfather was able to devote his time to literary pursuits.祖父退休以后,可以把时间放在文学爱好上了。I've retired for some time now — but I've not gone quite rusty yet.退休已有若干时候了,但是我还不十分衰老迟钝。He had retired from regular employment.他已从正式工作岗位上退休My parents are retired and in a good situation.我的父母退休了,日子过得很好。The retirement home arranges social and cultural activities for its seniors.退休之家为老年人安排各种社交及文化活动。Lillee said he had no regrets about retiring.利里说他没后悔退休It is important to make adequate provision for your retirement.退休生活做好充分准备是很重要的。After a lifetime as a journalist in the trouble spots of the world, he retired to the country.在世界不安定地区做了一辈子记者之后,他退休到了乡下。Aged men and women are encouraged to leave work before normal retirement to release jobs for younger, unemployed people.老年男女受到鼓励在未到正常退休年限就离职,以将职位让给年龄较轻的失业人员。A few decades ago, the average cruise ship passenger was elderly, affluent, and retired. Not anymore.几十年前,邮轮的乘客一般都是年长富裕的退休人士,现在不再如此了。I have worked for the firm all these years and I intend to be there at the finish.这些年我一直在这家公司干,我想在这儿干到退休He was retired this summer to make way for a young man.他已于今夏退休,让位给一个年轻人。He's a retired Lieutenant Colonel and a bit of a martinet.他是一位退休的中校,保持着几分纪律严明的作风。I should have started saving for my retirement when I was younger.我本应该早一些开始存钱以备退休之用。I am now approaching retirement.我现在快要退休了。His father was now living in retirement in France.他父亲已退休,住在法国。Donald wants to retire and open up a bookshop.唐纳德想退休,然后开一家酒吧。He's making plans for retirement.他在为退休做打算。I'm retiring next month. They're putting me out to pasture.下个月我就退休了。他们就要辞退我了。I hope to retire in a year / in a year's time.我希望一年后退休As populations age, funding retirement becomes more expensive.随着人口老龄化,供养退休人员会变得更加昂贵。His retirement was, as it were , the beginning of his real career.他的退休可以说是他真正事业的开始。




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