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词汇 追上
例句 Go on ahead: I'll catch you up later.你先走一步,我一会儿追上你。He chased the ball down and threw it to third base.追上球,将球投向三垒。Tom was closing on the leading runner.汤姆逐渐追上跑在前面的人。Catching up four goals will take some doing.追上四分是要花大力气的。The other boat pulled up with us.另外那条船追上了我们。Ness chased the thief down and held him until police arrived.内斯追上小偷后摁住了他,直到警察到来。They managed to escape before we could get after them.没等我们追上,他们就已经逃脱了。She had to hurry to keep up with me.她不得不加快脚步来追上我。Eric scored a timely win in the penultimate round of the Formula 1 championship.埃里克在一级方程式大奖赛的倒数第二圈中及时追上并胜出。Agents finally caught up with Danvers in Mexico City.特工终于在墨西哥城追上了丹弗斯。I caught him a lap later, and although I could pass him I could not shake him off.一圈后我追上了他,可是虽然我可以超过他,但却甩不掉他。He stopped and let her catch up with him.他停下来,好让她追上自己。In some places he was quicker and at others I'd gain on him.他在某些地方比我快,而我会在其他地方追上他。They started a few minutes ago, and we must hurry to catch up.他们几分钟前已出发,我们必须赶紧追上Margaret sprinted down the street, almost collapsing when she reached us.玛格丽特在街上拼命地跑,追上我们时她已几乎瘫倒了。She's left her briefcase. Quick! Run after her!她忘记拿公文包了。快!追上她!She had to dig deep to find the strength to catch her rival on the final straight.她不得不拼尽全力以在最后一段直道上追上对手。The police car caught up with the stolen van after a long chase.警车经过长距离追赶,终于追上了那辆被盗的小货车。We caught him before he had gone far.他还没有走远,我们就追上了他。They drew level with the rest of the runners.他们追上了其他的赛跑运动员。He ran out of the door to overtake her.他跑出门去追上她。We soon caught up with the marchers.我们很快就追上了游行的人们。The motorcycle cop rode down the escaping criminal.摩托骑警追上了逃犯。You'd better go after her and tell her you're sorry.你最好追上她并告诉她你很抱歉。We gradually rowed them down and won by a length.我们逐渐追上他们,并以一艇身得胜。Police called in a high-speed pursuit car to catch him up.警方为了追上他调来了一辆高速追捕车。Even after starting late, she soon caught him up.尽管出发晚了,她还是很快追上了他。You go on ahead. I'll catch you up in a minute.你先走,我稍后就追上你。Before Gallacher could catch up with the ball, Nadlovu had beaten him to it.加拉赫还没来得及追上球,纳德洛武就已经抢先一步触到球了。I put on a spurt and soon caught them up.我加速飞奔,很快就追上了他们。On the last lap of the race, Gemma started to catch up, and it looked as though she could still win.跑最后一圈的时候,杰玛开始追上了,看来她还有可能胜出。I managed to catch her just as she was leaving the office.我终于在她正要离开办公室的时候追上了她。You'll have to drive faster. They're gaining on us.你得开快点儿。他们要追上我们了。She overtook the other runners and went on to win the race.追上了其他的赛跑者,继而赢得了比赛。




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