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词汇 迹象
例句 The economy is showing the first signs of recovery.经济正呈现出最初的复苏迹象Detectives found no visible signs of a struggle.侦探没有发现可见的挣扎迹象There's no sign of life in that area.那个地区没有人类活动的迹象I'd failed to pick up on all the little signals which seem so clear to me now.我当时没有注意到那些不起眼的迹象,现在看来很明显。Signs of resilience in the economy abound.经济充满着应变复苏的迹象The main sign of patent ductus arteriosus is a mechanical hum from the heart.动脉导管未闭的主要迹象是心脏部分有机械嗡嗡声。Doctors at the hospital say Mr Crowther is beginning to show signs of recovery, although he is still in intensive care.医院的医生说,克劳瑟先生虽然仍在重症监护室,但已开始有康复的迹象了。Her popularity clearly shows no sign of waning.她的受欢迎程度显然没有下降的迹象The car's bodywork was already showing signs of deterioration.这辆车的车身已经显示出了老化迹象There is a scent of trouble.有出现麻烦的迹象The patient should be observed for signs of an allergic reaction.应注意观察患者是否出现过敏反应的迹象There is little promise of relief in the forecast.此次预测中几乎没有缓解的迹象There is no sign of an end to the stand-off between Mohawk Indians and the Quebec provincial police.莫霍克印第安人和魁北克省警方之间的僵持局面仍没有结束的迹象That's a straw in the wind that maybe he's fallen for her.那是一种迹象,或许他已经爱上她了。There are no tangible signs that ...关于…尚无明确的迹象The economy has staged something of a revival in the last year.去年经济出现了复苏迹象It's a small community and anyone who shows any signs of being different just isn't made to feel welcome.那是个小社区,谁要显示出任何一点与众不同的迹象都将不受欢迎。There were signs of incipient panic.出现了早期的恐慌迹象The signs of an economic revival are only just beginning.经济复苏的迹象刚刚开始显现。The latest data gives a pointer to the economy's overall growth.最新数据显示出经济总体增长的迹象The medical report showed no signs of poison in the body but the police still suspect foul play.化验报告显示体内并无任何毒药迹象,但警方仍怀疑这是谋杀。That's a sure sign that something's gone astray.那个迹象明确表明有什么事出岔子了。The police found no signs of forced entry.警方没有发现强行进入的迹象Sinclair examined the closed, clever face for any hint of irony, but found none.辛克莱审视着那张不动声色的精明的脸庞,试图寻找任何冷嘲的迹象,但是却什么都没发现。None of the children showed signs of sexual abuse.这些儿童都没有受到过性虐待的迹象The economy was beginning to show signs of recovery.经济开始显露出复苏的迹象Dalton said that the machine showed signs of heavy wear and had not been well-maintained.多尔顿说这部机器有严重磨损的迹象,没有得到妥善保养。Nobody was at the rendezvous. No sign of violence.约会地点阒无一人,也没有暴力行动的迹象Those black clouds are a sure sign of rain.那些乌云是肯定要下雨的迹象Everywhere, even in the Antarctic, there are signs that the Earth is getting warmer.各个地方,甚至在南极地区,都有地球变暖的迹象The crime rate shows no signs of going down.犯罪率没有任何下降的迹象There wasn't so much as a hint of nookie between them.他们之间没有发生过性关系的迹象Any sign of conflict between the two was notable by its absence.双方因没有了任何冲突迹象而备受关注。These latest riots are a clear manifestation of growing discontent.最近发生的这些骚乱是不满情绪日益增长的明显迹象The only sign of human habitation was a charred area where there had once been a fire.有过人类居住的唯一迹象是有个地方曾经生过火而且被烧焦了。He sees no signs of improvement in the UK and continental economy.他看不到英国与欧洲大陆经济好转的迹象Look carefully for signs of damp.仔细看看有没有受潮的迹象Wood dust beneath a piece of furniture is a sure sign of woodworm.家具下面出现木屑是有蛀虫的明显迹象By now the fish was showing signs of distress.到了这时,这条鱼显露出痛苦的迹象Police are puzzled about the man's death. There was no sign of a struggle and no suicide note.警方对此人的死亡困惑不解:既没有搏斗的迹象,也没有自杀前留下的遗书。




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