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词汇 迷失
例句 She got lost trying to find her way back to the hotel.她努力寻找回旅馆的路的过程中迷失了方向。The origin of the practice lies far back, when its specific purpose may have been to keep the soul from wandering away.这种做法由来已久,当时其特定的目的也许是防止灵魂迷失We were hopelessly lost in the wilderness.我们在荒野中完全迷失了方向。As soon as you compromise your principles you are lost.一旦在原则问题上妥协,你就会迷失自己。They were disorientated by the smoke and were firing blindly into it.他们在烟雾中迷失了方向,向里面胡乱射击了一通。I am trying to help sinners and bring lost souls back to the fold.我正尽力帮助那些有罪之人并让灵魂迷失者重返会众之中。For a while the artist completely lost his way. The famous humour gave way to sentimental nonsense.有一段时间这位表演艺术家完全迷失了方向。他没有了其出了名的风趣幽默,取而代之的是伤春悲秋的无聊情感。The ship lost its bearings in the fog.这艘船在雾中迷失了方向。She soon lost her bearings in the dense forest.她很快就在这片密林中迷失了方向。We got lost in the middle of nowhere. 我们迷失在荒无人烟的地区。The sailors lost their bearings last night.昨夜水手们迷失了方向。She took a wrong turning and ended up lost.她拐错了弯,结果迷失了方向。The government seems to have lost its way and muddled its priorities.政府似乎迷失了方向,把轻重缓急搞混了。She was lost in the throng.她在人群中迷失了方向。A policeman took the old man who had strayed home.一位警察把迷失在外的老汉送回了家。Some say that the political party has lost its way and really doesn't know how to connect with voters anymore.有人说这个政党迷失了方向,全然不知如何继续与选民建立良好关系。I had visions of us getting hopelessly lost.我产生了我们完全迷失了方向的幻觉。If we cannot understand that there's an issue of principle here, then we have lost our way.如果我们看不到这里存在原则问题的话,那么我们已经迷失了方向。She felt lost in an alien culture when she moved to the city.搬到这座城市后,她感觉自己迷失在一种陌生文化中。The company seems to have lost its way of late.近来公司似乎迷失了方向。A few stragglers got lost in the fog.几个掉队的人在大雾里迷失了方向。There's a whole genre of films about city-dwellers lost in the wilderness.专门有一类电影描述城市人在荒原中的迷失The sudden drop in altitude disorientated the young pilot.高度突然下降使年轻的飞行员迷失了方向。To a society which has lost its orientation he has much to offer.对于一个迷失了方向的社会,他能做的有很多。When he emerged into the street, he was completely disoriented.他一到街上就完全迷失了方向。




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