例句 |
Her boyfriend is a distant relative of mine.她的男朋友是我的远房亲戚。They are her distant kin.他们是她的远房亲戚。Some of my more distant relatives still live there.我的一些远房亲戚还住在那里。Steve is a distant relation of my wife.史蒂夫是我妻子的远房亲戚。Sundry distant relatives, most of whom I hardly recognized, turned up for my brother's wedding.远房亲戚都来参加我哥哥的婚礼,大多数我都不太认识。He is my distant relative.他是我的远房亲戚。She's been trying to make contact with distant relatives.她一直努力与远房亲戚取得联系。 |