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词汇 进行辩论
例句 The lawyers disputed the case before the judge.律师们当着法官的面对案件进行辩论He argued theoretically.他从理论角度进行辩论Writers are debating the ethical dilemma raised by the parents who did not want their Siamese twins separated.两个连体婴儿的父母不愿让孩子分离开,作家们在就此引发的道德难题进行辩论Panelists will debate the practicality of wind as a source of renewable energy.专家小组成员将就风能作为一种可再生能源的可行性性进行辩论Foreign ministers sparred over new defence proposals.外交部长们就新的防御提案进行辩论The women sat and argued these points.女人们坐下来对这些要点进行辩论They will debate face to face.他们将当面进行辩论Let us accept, for the sake of argument, that she is right.为了进行辩论,我们姑且接受她是对的。The conference is now debating the motion and will vote on it shortly.大会正在就提议进行辩论,稍后将就此表决。It is now up to all of us to debate this issue and press home the argument.现在要靠我们大家对此问题进行辩论,并尽可能将论点阐述清楚。The press is anxious for a blue.报刊渴望进行辩论Meanwhile, philosophers debate whether it's right to clone an individual.与此同时,哲学家们就克隆人是对是错进行辩论The United Nations will debate the issue today.联合国今天将就这一议题进行辩论




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