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词汇 dead
例句 The police have found the trunk of a dead woman.警察发现了一具女尸的躯体。Those people are now all dead and buried.那些人现在都已死了。The man we thought dead walked bodily into the room.我们以为死了的那个人活生生地走进了房间。The peace process is now dead in the water.和平进程现在绝不可能成功。The police don't know whether she's alive or dead.警方不知道她是生是死。Their arrows are dead on target.他们的箭正中靶心。There were dead mice and rats all over the room.房间里到处是大大小小的死老鼠。The old argument about whether the UK should be a member of the EU should now be dead and buried.以前关于英国是否应该成为欧盟成员国的争论,现在应该已经失去意义了。Recognizing the dead woman's face, she turned away, nauseated.她认出死去女人的脸,感到一阵恶心,便转过头去。He stopped dead in his tracks. 他突然停住了脚步。She really believes you should never speak ill of the dead.她的确认为绝不该说死人的坏话。The farm is a trust which he holds for his dead friend's children.这农场是他为已故友人的儿女们代管的产业。He shrank in horror when he saw the dead cat.他看到死猫时吓得往后退。The election poll showed a statistical dead heat. 选举结果显示,两位候选人的得票数不相上下。This made that holiday week a particularly dead period.这使得假期周变得特别死气沉沉。I'm afraid you had touched a nerve when you mentioned his dead wife, and his face darkened.你提到他死去的妻子的时候,恐怕触起了他的伤心事,所以他的脸色阴沉下来。But that doesn't mean this brand of politics is dead or dying.但那并不意味着这种政治主张已经或正在消亡。She was declared dead on arrival at the hospital.到达医院时,她便被宣布死亡。She told him to go out there on the stage and knock 'em dead.她叫他去当演员,让观众开开眼界。The bullet close to the ear bowled the rhinoceros down dead.那颗打中耳旁部位的子弹把犀牛击毙了。The heat accelerated the corruption of the dead body.天热加速了死尸的腐烂。I realize one shouldn't speak ill of the dead.我认识到不应该说死人的坏话。Names of the dead and injured are being withheld pending notification of relatives.在正式通知亲属前,伤亡人员名单暂时保密。It was as though Corinne was already dead: they were speaking of her in the past tense.科琳娜好像已经去世了:他们谈论她时用的是过去时。The staff in that library are all dead from the neck up.那个图书馆的管理人员全都笨死了。Police are trying to contact the family of the dead man.警方在设法与死者的家属联系。The ground was thick with dead leaves.地上积了厚厚的枯叶。Once gangrene has developed, the tissue is dead.一旦出现坏疽,机体组织便死亡了。On the third day Jesus rose from the dead.第三天耶稣复活了。She hadn't followed her instinct and because of this Frank was dead.她没有听从自己心里的话,弗兰克因此死了。Harry's daughter is dead. She died long ago.哈里的女儿已不在人世,很久以前就死了。Do the spirits of the dead walk at night?死者的鬼魂会在夜间出现吗?Sam is the dead spit of his dad.萨姆长得和他爸爸一模一样。It used to be the height of literary fashion, but now it's a dead letter as far as I can see.这部作品曾经风行一时,但在我看来,现在它已经不值一提。The street seems dead without all the bustle of the children.街上没有孩子们的喧闹就显得死气沉沉的。According to police accounts, Mr and Mrs Hunt were found dead on the floor of their kitchen.据警方称,亨特夫妇被发现死在家里厨房的地板上。A dead fish in the aquarium will decompose rapidly, fouling the water badly.死鱼在鱼缸内会很快腐烂,严重污染水质。Seeing the policeman there stopped me dead. I didn't know what to do.看到有警察,我一下子呆住了,不知道怎么办。He was dead beat after a day's work.一天工作下来,他累垮了。The president has sent a message of sympathy to the relatives of the dead soldiers.总统已经向阵亡士兵的家属发去了唁电。




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