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词汇 这封信
例句 The letter brought tears to his eyes.这封信使他热泪盈眶。The letter was addressed to me.这封信是寄给我的。The letter invited me to fly first class to New York for an interview on Monday - I could not believe my eyes!这封信邀请我星期一坐头等舱飞去纽约面试—我简直不敢相信我的眼睛!When he saw the letter he was very angry, but he came to himself in time.当他见到这封信时很生气,但很快控制住了自己的情绪。The letter was forwarded from a previous address.这封信是从先前的地址转来的。I am writing this letter in hopes that it will be forwarded to the editor.希望我写的这封信能被转交给编辑。He challenged the authenticity of the letter.他质疑这封信的真实性。My pleasure in receiving the letter was somewhat alloyed by its contents.我收到这封信时的喜悦在读过信后蒙上一层阴影。The letter was expressive of his sincere regret.这封信表达了他诚挚的歉意。She asked her assistant to photocopy the letter and send it to all of her clients.她让助手复印这封信并分发给了所有的客户。The letter, if we take it at face value, suggests that Richard is quite happy in his job.若只看表面,这封信是说理查德对自己的工作很满意。Will you copy out this letter immediately?请你立刻把这封信复打一份好吗? The letter bore a postmark of March 8, 1983.这封信盖有一九八三年三月八日的邮戳。I was writing in the character of a friend, not that of your employer.我是以朋友而不是你雇主的身份写的这封信You will find the letter on the mantelpiece.你会在壁炉台上找到这封信The letter was addressed to a box number in Whitehorse.这封信的收信地址是怀特霍斯的一个信箱号。The letter merely restated the law of the land.这封信只不过重复了一下土地法。The letter had been delivered by hand, and was addressed to Mrs Zippie Isaacs.这封信是有人亲自送来的,写给齐皮·艾萨克斯夫人。Alison had deduced that I wrote the letter.艾莉森已经推断出这封信是我写的。A handwriting expert witnessed to the authenticity of the letter.笔迹专家证明了这封信不是伪造的。He sent his greetings to you in the letter.他在这封信里向你致以问候。The letter might not have been meant for me at all.这封信也许根本就不是写给我的。The letter's survival is something of a minor miracle.这封信能保存下来,可以说是个小小的奇迹。As I read the letter again, a number of thoughts came to mind.我重读这封信时,突然有了一些想法。The letter was postmarked Iowa.这封信上盖着艾奥瓦州的邮戳。This letter was typed on an electronic typewriter.这封信是用电子打字机打的。He could see that the letter had been postmarked yesterday.他看出这封信昨天就盖了邮戳。It was an illiterate letter, full of mistakes.这封信文笔很差,错误连篇。The letter arrived quite a few days ago.这封信是好几天前到的。The letter was unopened.这封信没有启封。Could you post this letter for me?你能帮我寄这封信吗?The letter was, in chief, intended to allay fears.这封信主要是用来缓解恐慌情绪的。If I had written the letter, I might have worded it differently.如果换作我写这封信,我或许会用不同的措辞。This is just a note to say I love you.我寄这封信完全是为了向你表示我爱你。This letter is in her own handwriting.这封信是她亲笔写的。Lizzy had sent the letter without Alex's knowledge.莉齐瞒着亚历克斯把这封信寄出去了。You may be a little surprised when you receive this letter.收到这封信的时候你可能会有些吃惊。I'll readdress this letter and send it to him.我要更改这封信上的地址再寄给他。The letter seethes with resentment.这封信里满是怨恨。The letter yielded no clues.这封信没有提供任何线索。




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