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He is still clinging to the idea that his marriage can be saved.他仍然坚信自己的婚姻还是可以挽救的。Despite the frost, the pitch was playable.尽管有霜,赛场还是可以用。Even though I'm supposed to be working by myself, there are other people who I can interact with.即便是需要我一个人工作,我还是可以和别人进行交流的。Do I need to go through my doctor or can I make an appointment direct?.我必须经过我的医生呢,还是可以直接预约?There's not much wine left, but I think we can each have a glass.葡萄酒剩下不多了,不过我想还是可以一人有一杯的。Although the offences were horrific it was to her credit that she had owned up.她的犯罪手段很残忍,但她的供认不讳还是可以认可的。I know the bicycle's old, but it's still usable.我知道这辆自行车旧了,但还是可以用的。It's a tight fit but I think we can get the box through the door.虽然窄点,但我想我们还是可以把箱子从门口搬过去。It's a bit of a fudge but we could put the cost through on next year's budget.虽然有点儿蒙混嫌疑,我们还是可以把花销转入明年的预算中。The details are not clear. But in principle a deal is possible.详情尚不清楚,但理论上还是可以达成协议的。 |