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例句 He's three credits shy of his bachelor's degree.还差三个学分才能拿到学士学位。My brother is two months shy of being of voting age.我的兄弟离选民年龄还差两个月。The Democrats are three votes shy of a majority.民主党离多数票还差三票。We still have one more loose end to deal with before we're finished with the project.我们还差一个部分才完成整个项目。You have even worse luck than I do.你甚至比我运气还差She made the rendezvous with only minutes to spare.还差几分钟时才来赴约。He bought a new car but it turned out to be for the worse.他买了一辆新汽车,但结果比原来的还差He was unable to make the contract and went one down.他未打满定约墩数,还差一墩方。He did even worse in his exams than his sister.他考试成绩比他妹妹的还差She is currently within two hundred votes of being elected.目前她的票数离当选还差不到二百张。It's twenty to three.还差二十分钟到三点。Duncan's handwriting is even worse than his sister's.邓肯写的字甚至比他妹妹的还差Their courage failed a few steps short and they came running back.他们还差几步却泄了气,便又跑了回来。




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