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词汇 近年来
例句 The state's overall spending on corrections has increased rapidly in recent years.这个州近年来用于劳教罪犯的总开支迅速增长。The country's yearly agricultural output has increased in recent years.全国农业年产量近年来有所增加。His work has deteriorated in recent years.近年来他的工作质量逐渐下降。There has been too much contention in this family in recent years.近年来,这个家中有太多的争执。His standing as a movie director has risen in recent years.近年来他作为电影导演声誉日隆。There has always been an interest in genetic cloning, but never more so than in recent years.基因克隆向来引人关注,近年来更是如此。Illicit drug use - notably marijuana - has been increasing in recent years, especially among the young.近年来使用违禁药品—特别是大麻—的人数在增加,尤其是青年人。Computers have become more mobile in recent years.近年来,计算机变得更加便携了。Our understanding of this disease has advanced rapidly in recent years.近年来我们对于这种疾病的认识不断深化。In recent years, Botswana's manufacturing industry has grown and the country produces soap and dairy produce.近年来博茨瓦纳的制造业在增长,该国生产肥皂和乳制品。In recent years commercial, cultural, travel and other contacts have proliferated between Europe and China.近年来,欧洲和中国之间的商业、文化、旅游及其他交往发展迅猛。The volume of traffic on the roads has increased dramatically in recent years.近年来道路交通量急剧增加。There has been a decline in the use of the subway system over recent years.近年来乘坐地铁的人数下降了。The economic power of many Asian countries has grown dramatically in recent years.近年来许多亚洲国家的经济实力有了显著的增长。In recent years his star has seemed to wane.近年来他好像命运不济。In recent years, there has been an increase in vandalism in inner-city areas.近年来在市中心地区故意破坏公物的行为有上升趋势。Inflation has been a dead issue in recent years.近年来人们对于通货膨胀问题谈论不多。The school's intake of students has increased in recent years.近年来,这所学校的招生人数有所增加。The central bank has pulled off one of the biggest financial rescues of recent years.中央银行完成了近年来规模最大的一次经济援助。The number of fatal accidents in the construction industry has dropped dramatically in recent years.近年来建筑行业致命事故的数量大幅下降。Of recent years, television has become a great rival to the cinema.近年来,电视已成为电影强大的竞争对手。In recent years, the town's population has declined drastically. 近年来,这个城市的人口急剧减少。The region's reliance on tourism has only grown in recent years.这个地区只是近年来才更加依赖旅游业。Recent years have witnessed a growth in religious fundamentalism.近年来,宗教的原教旨主义有所发展。In recent years, governments have tried to cut the Gordian knot by imposing cuts in state support to the railways.近年来,政府重拳出击,减少了对铁路部门的资助。The market for collectibles has burgeoned in recent years.近年来收藏品市场发展迅速。Demands on computer systems have grown enormously in recent years.对电脑系统的需求近年来已经有了巨大增长。The chart showed the company's rapid growth in recent years.图表显示了该公司近年来的迅速发展。An area in which the computer has made considerable strides in recent years is in playing chess.近年来,计算机应用取得长足进步的一个领域是国际象棋。The island has had several close encounters with major hurricanes in recent years.这个岛近年来多次险些遭到强飓风的破坏。His client roster is a rogues' gallery of the most notorious criminals of recent years.他的委托人花名册上都是一群近年来最为臭名昭著的罪犯。We have been witness to many changes in recent years. 近年来我们目睹了许多变化。In recent years we have seen greater emphasis than heretofore on the voice of the consumer.近年来我们发现消费者的呼声比过去更受重视了。In recent years, increased demand has forced up the price of copper on world markets.近年来铜的需求量增加,这抬高了它在世界市场上的价格。Fashion rules have relaxed a lot in recent years.近年来,时尚规则已宽松了许多。The relationship between the United States and China has altered in recent years.近年来,美中关系有了改变。The team has drafted some good players in recent years.近年来该队已招募了一些优秀的球员。The party has moved towards the centre in recent years.近年来该党越来越靠近中间立场。The moose population has plunged in recent years.近年来,驼鹿的数量大幅减少。Sales of computers have plateaued in recent years.近年来电脑的销量已不再增长。




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