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词汇 过节
例句 The charity raises money for holidays for the underprivileged.该慈善机构为贫困民众筹款过节Start planning for Christmas now by stocking up the freezer with some festive dishes.现在就开始为圣诞节做准备吧,首先在冰箱里备足过节的菜肴。Everyone wants to create a sense of occasion at Christmas.大家都想在圣诞节营造出一种过节的气氛。We exchange gifts at the holidays.我们过节时互换礼物。We made gingerbread men for the holidays.我们为过节做了人形姜饼。There's been some bad feeling between the two families.两家人之前有过节The air crackled with excitement as we prepared for the festival.我们为过节做准备时,空气中充满了喜悦。Ray was full of the festive spirit.雷满心欢喜,像过节一样。She's doing some last-minute Christmas shopping.她正利用圣诞节到来之前的最后一点儿时间采买一些过节用品。Thousands of young people arriving for the festival soon turned the fields into a mudbath.成千上万赶来过节的年轻人很快把田地踩成了泥潭。




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