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词汇 迅速地
例句 She made a quick and superficial examination of the car.迅速地粗略检查了一下这部轿车。The two ambulance attendants quickly put Plover on a stretcher and got him into the ambulance.两名救护人员迅速地将普洛弗放到担架上抬进救护车里。She quickly freshened her make-up.迅速地重新化了妆。The auguries of death are fast gathering round his head.死亡凶兆迅速地在他脑海中盘旋。My questions have been answered promptly.我的问题迅速地得到了答复。His fingers briefly touched hers.他的手指迅速地碰了一下她的手指。A quick nod of approval would have done nicely.只要迅速地点个头表示赞成就行了。They quickly moved away when they saw the oncoming car.他们看见汽车开过来时迅速地移开了。His heart beat with unusual rapidity.他的心脏异常迅速地搏动。The snake flicked its tongue in and out.那条蛇迅速地伸缩着舌头。The confusion resolved itself very swiftly.混乱迅速地自行消解。From now until election day, he'll be blitzing all four western provinces.从现在起一直到选举日,他要迅速地将西部四省全部争取过来。I took a quick look at the audience.迅速地看了观众一眼。The Democratic candidate is rapidly gaining ground in many states.民主党候选人在很多州迅速地获得人心。During the gestation period, the infant grows by leaps and bounds.在母体之中的哺育期,婴儿迅速地长大。I whipped into a parking space.迅速地驶入一个停车位。The sun was sinking rapidly below the western horizon.落日正迅速地消失在西方的地平线下。She gave him a quick kiss.迅速地吻了他一下。Workers unloaded cargo quickly on the dock.工人们迅速地将货物卸到码头上。She dressed in a hurry.迅速地穿好衣服。Every time a new flicker of resistance appeared, the government snuffed it out.一旦有抵抗的苗头出现时,政府总是迅速地加以消灭。The jokes were flying fast and furious.那些笑话迅速地流传开了。She gave her papers a quick shuffle.迅速地把文件挪了一下位置。I shudder to think what would have happened if he hadn't acted as quickly as he did.我不敢相信,如果他没有如此迅速地采取行动,后果会怎样。Iwhipped the film out of the camera.迅速地从相机中取出胶卷。I slipped off my woollen gloves.迅速地脱下了毛绒手套。He hit him with two quick lefts to the stomach followed by a right to the jaw.他先朝他的肚子迅速地打了两记左手拳,然后又用右手打了他下巴一拳。He quickly hid behind a large plant.迅速地躲到一株高大的植物后面。She listed the names in quick/rapid succession.迅速地罗列出姓名。A drug that is injected reaches the brain faster than if it is smoked or sniffed.注射毒品比吸食或以鼻吸入的方式要更迅速地使药效到达大脑。He glanced quickly at Sally and then looked away again.迅速地扫了萨莉一眼,接着又把目光转向别处。The train rolled forward, gaining speed rapidly.火车往前行驶,迅速地加速。She quickly swallowed the rest of her coffee.迅速地咽下剩余的咖啡。The bird pecked the crumb rapidly from between my fingers.这只鸟迅速地啄食我指间的面包屑。A scowling man briskly led the Queen's husband away from the great unwashed.一名面色阴沉的男子迅速地把王夫带离了那些草根下民。I'll just have a quick look at the paper.我就迅速地瞥一眼报纸。I quickly scrawled my address on a piece of paper.迅速地把我的地址草草地写在一张纸上。The snake's tongue flicked in and out.那条蛇迅速地伸缩着舌头。Looking in the mirror, she quickly retouched her lips.她照着镜子,迅速地描了描嘴唇。These ordures are rapidly depraving the public taste.这些黄色下流的东西正在迅速地败坏公众的情趣。




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