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例句 He hailed this week's arms agreement but in the same breath expressed suspicion about the motivations of the United States.他为本周达成的武器协议而欢呼,但同时又对美国的动机表示怀疑。It looks as though an agreement has now been reached.看来现在似乎达成了协议。With smiles and handshakes all round, an agreement was finally reached.每个人都面带微笑并相互握手,协议终告达成Be truthful with your creditors and stick to any concessionary agreements you have made.要坦诚对待你的债权人,遵守你们达成的任何让步协议。The company made an arrangement with the college to supply all of its computers.公司跟这所大学达成约定,学校所有的电脑都由它提供。They came to a compromise over the exact amount to be paid.他们就付款的确切数额达成了妥协。They were able to settle/resolve the case out of court. 他们得以达成庭外和解。He insists he has struck no bargains for their release.他坚称他没有就他们的获释达成过任何交易。I'm sure you and I can come to a sensible arrangement.我相信能和你达成合情合理的约定。The government concluded a peace treaty with the rebels.政府与反叛者达成了和平协议。The two sides met in an attempt to lay the foundations of a future peace settlement.双方会面以期为未来达成和平协议打下基础。The fighting of recent days has given way to an uneasy truce between the two sides.最近几天的交战结束了,双方达成了暂时的休战协议。Weight loss can be achieved by balancing a healthy level of physical activity with eating a nutritious diet.减轻体重可以通过适当锻炼和营养用餐之间达成平衡来实现。A settlement was reached in which neither side lost face.达成了一个双方都不失面子的协议。The UN peace envoy has failed to find any middle ground between the government and the opposition parties.联合国和平特使未能使该政府与反对党之间达成任何妥协。Negotiating a truce will not be an easy task.谈判达成休战协议不是一件容易的事。It's difficult to reconcile the demands of my job and the desire to be a good father.我很难做到既兼顾工作,又达成做个好父亲的愿望。I hope we can arrive at some sort of understanding/consensus.我希望我们能够达成某种程度的理解/共识。Renewed efforts have finally led to an agreement.不断的努力促使最终达成了协议。Management and unions have struck a bargain over wage increases.资方和工会就加薪问题达成了协议。By the end of the call we came to an agreement.在通话结束前我们达成了协议。There is a broad consensus of opinion about the policies that should be pursued.对应当实行何种政策,舆论达成了广泛一致的意见。A compromise has been cobbled together.一项妥协方案草率地达成了。A compromise was eventually reached, but even this failed to satisfy environmentalists.最后达成了妥协,但即使这样,也未能令环保主义者满意。She had a conditional agreement with her father that she could use the car if she paid for the gas.她和爸爸达成了有附加条件的协议,如果她付油钱就可以用车。An agreement between the two countries was unthinkable.难以想象这两个国家能达成一项协议。Both sides in this debate need to do more to establish some middle ground.双方在这场辩论中需要更多努力才能达成某种共识。The two sides are making some progress toward a compromise.双方在努力达成妥协,并取得了一些成绩。The fighting has given way to a truce between the two sides.双方已结束交战,达成了休战协议。We came to an amicable agreement.我们达成了友好的协议。Dictators can sometimes be gently persuaded to leave power with special deals that guarantee their safety.达成确保安全的特别协议的情况下,独裁者有时可以被温和地说服交出权力。It was difficult to reach an agreement because of the friction between the two sides.双方的分歧导致协议难以达成They reached an equitable settlement of their dispute.他们达成了一个公平解决纠纷的协议。A new deal was hammered out between the two banks.两家银行最终达成了新的协议。When an agreement is reached, it has stuck.协议一达成,它就生效了。Mutual goodwill has guaranteed the success of this agreement.相互间的善意确保了这个协议成功达成Only the achievement of these goals will bring lasting peace.只有达成这些目标才会带来持久的和平。The government has compromised with its critics over monetary policies.政府与批评者就货币政策达成了妥协。They have just put through a business deal.他们刚刚达成一笔生意。We reached unanimous agreement.我们全体达成了一致。




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