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词汇 边境
例句 There are certain travel restrictions in effect in certain areas along the border.边境的某些地区实行了一些旅行限制。Gray is thought to be in hiding near the France/Italy border.他们认为格雷藏在法国和意大利边境附近。Western diplomatic sources confirmed reports of fighting over the border.西方外交界消息人士证实在边境发生战斗的消息。A few miles before the border we were stopped at an army checkpoint.在距边境几英里的地方我们被军队的检查站拦住了。Refugees were streaming across the border.难民川流不息地涌过边境As the conflict grew worse, troops waited in readiness at the borders.随着冲突加剧,军队已在边境严阵以待。For many refugees the Italians on the other side of the border were betrayers of Italy.对很多难民来说,边境那一边的意大利人是卖国贼。Be prepared to show your identity papers at the border.准备好在边境出示你的身份证件。The weapons were smuggled across the frontier.武器是偷运过边境的。We must strengthen our defences on the western border.我们必须加强西部边境的防御工事。Strasbourg is very close to the German border.斯特拉斯堡离德国边境非常近。They were trucked to the frontier.他们由卡车运送到边境Lille is close to the frontier between France and Belgium.里尔靠近法比边境Thousands of refugees made it across the border.数千名难民设法越过了边境It looks as if they've escaped. They're probably over the border by now.看来他们已经逃掉了,现在很可能已过了边境A lot of the refugees were turned back at the border.许多难民在边境被挡了回来。Iranian and Iraqi troops clashed on the border.伊朗和伊拉克军队在边境爆发冲突。On Sunday the horses were harnessed to a heavy wagon for a day-long ride over the border.星期天,马匹被套在一辆沉重的马车上,准备踏上长达一天的跨越边境之旅。We had to bribe the border guard to let us through.我们不得不买通边境守卫,放我们过境。The army intensified its patrols along the frontier.军队加强了边境的巡逻。He drove us right up to the Russian border.他开车一直把我们送到俄罗斯边境Culturally, they have much in common with their neighbours just across the border.在文化上,他们与边境那边相邻而居的人们有许多共同点。Because of the improbability of an attack, the army has pulled its forces back from the border..由于袭击的可能性很小,军方已将部队从边境撤回。We were stopped on the border.我们在边境被拦住了。The soldiers were engaged in a military operation close to the Ugandan border.这些士兵参加了乌干达边境附近的一次军事行动。And the same evening German motorized elements reached the serbian frontiers.同日晚间,德国的摩托化部队进抵塞尔维亚边境There has been fighting on both sides of the border.边境两端一直有战斗。We crossed the state border hours ago.我们几个小时前就越过了州边境The customs officials confiscated the contraband at the border.海关官员在边境没收了违禁品。Peres said the military campaign would last as long as it took to secure the country's northern border.佩雷斯说这次军事行动将会持续很长时间,以保护国家北部边境的安全。They would need fresh horses if they were to reach the border the next day.他们要想在第二天赶到边境,就需要换马。Gibraltar is situated close against the Spanish border.直布罗陀的位置紧靠西班牙边境There has been fighting along the border.边境沿线一直有战争。The troops were forced to withdraw to their own borders.部队被迫撤回到己方边境With open frontiers and lax visa controls, criminals could cross into the country without restraint.由于边境开放和签证管理松懈,罪犯可以毫无限制地进入这个国家。They settled in Ronco, a picturesque village near the Italian frontier.他们在龙科住了下来,那是靠近意大利边境的一个风景如画的小村子。Troops crossed the border with Georgia.部队越过格鲁吉亚边境They have tightened security along the border.他们加强了边境的安全工作。They are massing troops on the border.他们正在边境集结部队。The borders of Thailand, Laos and Burma all converge at this point.泰国、老挝和缅甸三国边境都在这一点相交。




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