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词汇 daughters
例句 The photo shows, from left to right, his daughters Molly, Fiona, and Anne.照片上从左到右是他的女儿莫莉、费奥娜和安妮。A lifelike portrait of his two daughters hung on the wall.一幅他两个女儿非常逼真的画像挂在墙上。His daughters were collecting his effects.他的女儿们当时正在整理他的遗物。A self-confessed shopaholic, Diane loved looking for new clothes with her two daughters.戴安娜承认自己是购物狂,她热衷于和两个女儿一起选购新衣。He had two daughters by his first wife and a son by his second wife. 他与第一任妻子生有两个女儿,与第二任妻子生有一个儿子。They have two lovely daughters.他们有两个可爱的女儿。I have two daughters.我有两个女儿。It does his heart good to know that his daughters have become friends.得知他的几个女儿成为了朋友,他很开心。He was accused of prostituting his beautiful daughters.他被指控迫使自己几个美丽的女儿卖淫。The message they are transmitting to their daughters is very different from that of previous generations.他们向女儿传达的信息与上几代人所传达的截然不同。She is the mother of two teenaged daughters.她有两个十几岁的女儿。He has two daughters from his first marriage and a son from his second.他第一次婚姻给他带来两个女儿,第二次带来一个儿子。The prince has also enlisted his two daughters in the effort to avoid the press.亲王还借助他的两个女儿来躲避媒体。He was jealous of the friendship between his wife and daughters.他很嫉妒他妻子和女儿之间的友好感情。One can do a lot of name-dropping with names of the school's parents. President Nixon sent his daughters there.那所学校的学生家长很多都是名人。尼克松总统就把女儿们送进了那所学校。Many mothers schooled their daughters in the myth of female inferiority.许多母亲把男尊女卑的错误观念传给了她们的女儿。My aunt has five daughters and three sons.我姑妈有五个女儿、三个儿子。The daughters sided with their mothers.女儿都站在妈妈那一边。He has married off all his daughters.他把女儿都嫁出去了。They're now seeing their daughters hitting the glass ceiling and they are horrified at the effects.他们现在目睹自己的女儿们遭遇升迁的障碍,其结果令他们大为震惊。She's got two daughters and one son.她有两个女儿和一个儿子。In traditional societies, parents were often reluctant to send their daughters to school.在传统社会,父母常常不愿让女儿上学。Talking about her daughters livens her up.谈到她的女儿时,她的心情愉快起来。The woman, with her two daughters, arrived.这妇女带着她的两个女儿到了。Her daughters were aged nine and five.她的女儿一个九岁,一个五岁。The Brown daughters had never challenged their mother's authority in these matters.布朗家的女儿们从不怀疑母亲在这些事情上的权威。Many daughters assume that their mothers are invulnerable.很多女儿都认为她们的母亲无比坚强。One of her daughters lives in Texas and her two other daughters live in California.她有一个女儿住在得克萨斯州,其他两个女儿住在加利福尼亚州。Their daughters are close in age.他们的女儿年龄相仿。My ex-husband was a real sexist, who didn't think our daughters should have jobs at all.我的前夫是个十足的性别歧视者,他认为我们的女儿根本就不该工作。She was determined to marry all of her daughters to rich men.她决心把她的女儿都嫁给有钱人。How mothers keep daughters under their sway is the subject of the next five sections.母亲该如何管束女儿是下文五节的主题。The poor are taking advantage of this edict to marry off their daughters without enormous expenditure while they can.穷人们利用这个法令,尽量不花费巨额开销就把女儿嫁出去。She packed her two daughters off to school and then went to market.她先打发两个女儿上学去,然后去市场。His daughters did not share in his happiness.他的女儿们没有分享他的快乐。The daughters sided with their mothers.几个女儿都站在母亲这一边。There is a strong tie between her and her daughters.她和女儿们关系紧密。She had three young daughters, all strong and healthy.她有三个年幼的女儿,个个壮实健康。My daughters could dine on caviar and champagne for the rest of their lives.我的女儿们后半辈子可以天天吃鱼子酱、喝香槟了。Talking about her daughters livens her up.谈到她的女儿们时她神采飞扬。




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