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词汇 轮流
例句 The soldiers took it in turns to swig vodka.那些士兵轮流大口大口地喝伏特加酒。We'll take turns rowing.我们将轮流划船。John and Bill changed off at riding the bicycle.约翰和比尔轮流骑这辆自行车。We took turns sitting in the front seat.我们轮流坐前排位子。Overcrowding is so bad that prisoners have to sleep in shifts, while others have to stand.过度拥挤的现象十分严重,囚犯们不得不轮流睡觉,其他人则只能站着。Males and females take turns brooding the eggs.雄性和雌性轮流孵卵。John and Bob changed off at driving the car.约翰和鲍伯轮流开车。We took turns pumping out the boat.我们轮流用泵从船里往外抽水。You'll have to take turns on the swing.你们得轮流荡秋千。We usually rotate the worst jobs so that no one gets stuck with them.最苦的工作我们通常轮流干,这样就没有人会被它缠住。Judy and I shared the driving, so it wasn't too tiring.朱迪和我轮流开车,所以不是太累。Everyone took turns to patrol the streets at night.夜里每个人轮流巡逻街道。Presidency rotates among members of the commission.主席由委员会的成员轮流担任。The girls took it in turn to wipe down the tables after meals.女孩子们饭后轮流擦桌子。We take turns washing the dishes.我们轮流洗碗。We took turns in pushing the bike along.我们轮流推自行车。The male and female take turns to sit on the nest.雄鸟和雌鸟轮流坐窝。They trade off babysitting each other's kids.他们轮流照看彼此的孩子。They took turns to look after the baby.她们轮流照顾那婴儿。You can take it in turns to babysit.你们可以轮流代人照看孩子。The class has two teachers who alternate on a weekly basis.这个班有两个老师,每个老师轮流教授一个星期。Though the organization is now banned, its members still meet unofficially in each others’ houses.这个组织现在虽然已被取缔,但是其成员仍然轮流在各家秘密聚会。At my grandparents’ we would take turns riding on a swing made out of an old tire.在爷爷奶奶家,我们轮流坐一只用旧轮胎做的秋千。Each member of my crew took turns to brief me on his particular duties.我机组中的所有组员轮流向我介绍了他们各自的职责。If we do have a serious oil shortage, there will be rolling blackouts.假如我们弄到确实严重缺油的地步,那就将轮流停电。Students take turns critiquing each others' work. 学生们轮流评论彼此的作品。The city personnel of hospitals rotate in teams in the rural areas.城市医院的医务工作人员分小队轮流在农村地区服务。We took turns driving, in order to try and break the monotony.我们轮流开车来解闷。Students are expected to take their turn leading the study group.学生们要依次轮流当学习小组的组长。He alternated between Europe, Cuba and Bimini.他经常在欧洲、古巴和比米尼岛三地轮流居住。The kids took turns on the swing.孩子们轮流荡秋千。His family take turns saying grace before dinner.他的家人吃晚饭前轮流说谢饭祷文。The cleaning rota always leads to arguments in our house.我们家总是因为轮流打扫的事发生争吵。We take turns walking him to school.我们轮流陪他上学。Each witness in turn gave his or her version of what happened.每位目击者轮流讲述了事情的经过。The teachers were on duty by turns.老师们轮流值班。We took turns to drive the car.我们轮流开车。The children took turns on the swing.孩子们轮流荡秋千。Once a month we met for the whole day, and in rotation each one led the group.我们每个月聚在一起一整天,轮流担任领队。Shall we share the driving?我们轮流开车好吗?




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