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例句 Production had shifted completely to the assembly of wheelbarrows and other gardening equipment.生产已完全转成了组装手推车和其他园艺设备。If we turn the table endways, it should fit through the door.如果我们把桌子转成一端朝前,就应该能够通过这扇门。The wind has sheered round to due east.风向转成了正东。The book has been transcribed into braille.这本书已转成盲文。I record my business letters, and my secretary transcribes them.我将商业信函口述录音,由秘书转成文字。The display can be rotated from portrait to landscape view at the touch of a button.按一下按键,页面显示便可从竖排转成横排。She played soccer as an amateur before turning professional.她之前是业余足球运动员,后来转成了职业球员。All intestinal polyps are precancerous.肠息肉都易转成恶性。He caught a chill that turned into a bad cold.他先是着了凉,随后又转成了重感冒。Charles crossed over from blues to gospel.查尔斯的风格从布鲁斯转成福音音乐了。The traffic light turned red.交通灯转成了红色。The play veers from loopy comedy to serious moralizing.这部戏从怪诞的喜剧转成了严肃的道德说教。The soundtrack of "The Godfather" was digitally remastered and transformed from mono to stereo.电影《教父》的声带已经用数码技术重新灌制,并从单声道转成了立体声。Switch to an interest-paying current account and stay in credit. Most banks and larger building societies now offer these accounts.转成付息的活期存款账户,并保持账上有余额。多数银行和较大的购房互助会现在都能开立这种账户。The workforce have recently been calling for their working hours to be reduced. Many companies have accordingly switched to a five-day week.工人们最近一直在呼吁缩短工作时间。许多公司于是转成了一周五天工作制。The company's role is to repurpose print data for use on the Web.这家公司的职责是将印刷品资料转成电子版以供网络使用。The conversation had been transcribed into phonetic script.谈话记录被转成了音标。




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