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例句 Years of discontent turned into armed insurrection.积年的愤懑转化为武装起义。They have devised a new method for converting sunlight into electricity.他们发明了一个将阳光转化为电能的新方法。Nitrogen is converted into nitrates in the soil which plants can then use.转化为土壤中的硝酸盐,可被植物吸收。They tried to translate the theory into simple concepts.他们试图把理论转化为简单的概念。She ceased to think, as anger transmuted into passion.当怒火转化为激情,她停止了思考。Scientists transmuted matter into pure energy and exploded the first atomic bomb.科学家将物质转化为纯粹的能量,引爆了第一颗原子弹。His job is to translate the decision into a working program.他的任务就是将决议转化为工作计划。Adebate on the causes of global warming has turned into a bitter war of words.关于全球气候变暖原因的争论已转化为一场激烈的唇枪舌战。You make wine by leaving grape juice to ferment until all the sugar has turned to alcohol.酿葡萄酒是让葡萄汁发酵,直到所有的糖分都转化为酒精。How could we translate the idea into business reality?我们怎样才能把这个构想转化为实际业务呢?I sublimated my grief at the death of my mother by throwing myself into my work.我把对母亲逝世的悲伤转化为对工作的全身心投入。Patriotism can turn into jingoism and intolerance very quickly.爱国主义会很快转化为沙文主义和极端排外。A Swiss company has found a way to convert animal waste into fuel.瑞士一家公司已找到一种方法,可以把动物粪便转化为燃料。The machine can recognise hand-written characters and turn them into printed text.这种机器能够识别手写文字,并将其转化为印刷文本。Carbon dioxide is converted into oxygen through the agency of plants.二氧化碳由于植物的作用转化为氧气。The chemical passes from a liquid to a solid state during the cooling process.这种化学物质在冷却过程中由液态转化为固态。Loving relationships can turn bitter.爱能转化为恨。The bee turns nectar into honey.蜜蜂把花蜜转化为蜂蜜。She needs to translate her ideas into action.她需要将自己的想法转化为行动。Asiatic sheep turn their food into fat and store it.亚洲羊把食物转化为脂肪并积贮起来。Turning that vision into a practical reality is not easy.把那种设想转化为实实在在的现实并非易事。I wonder how your religious beliefs would translate into political action.我不知道你的宗教信仰如何转化为政治行动。Such transformation of nouns into verbs became epidemic in recent years.名词这样转化为动词近年来颇为流行。The alternative approach is to allow the base coat to dry out slowly and start to carbonate.另一种方法是让底漆慢慢变干并开始转化为碳酸酯。A small increase in local spending will translate into a big rise in council tax.地方支出的少量增加将会转化为市政税的大幅度增长。The program can be entirely converted into machine code and saved before it is run, using a compiler.通过计算机编译,程序在运行前可完全转化为机器码并保存起来。The cells absorb light and convert it to energy.电池吸收光并把光转化为能。They started to translate into action the dreams of African unity.他们开始将统一非洲的梦想转化为行动。Your decision must be translated into specific, concrete actions.你的决定必须转化为具体明确的行动。Politicians are usually expert at turning a crisis to their advantage.政客们通常都擅长把危机转化为优势。




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