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A fellow driver criticized him for weaving about on the track to balk those who try to overtake.一名同场竞技的车手指责他为了挡住想超车的人在赛道上穿来穿去。In an hour the drivers will be warming up for the main event.一个小时后车手们将做好准备参加这项重要的赛事。Mr Honda was himself a keen racing driver in his younger days.本田先生自己年轻时就是位热衷赛车的车手。These two top drivers have left the others trailing behind.这两名领先的车手已经把其他人甩在了后面。The driver was forced to pit because of engine problems.车手因发动机出现问题而被迫在检修站停下来。The cyclist dismounted and walked her bike across the street.车手从自行车上下来,推着车过了马路。It gave me a chance to proclaim that I was not just a cyclist, but a racing cyclist.这给了我一个机会明确表示我不仅会骑自行车,还是个自行车赛车手。The British driver was unable to hang on to his lead.英国车手没能保住自己的领先地位。He is a stock car racer.他是一名改装赛车的车手。It was an easy opening circuit, but the riders attacked it with a will.这一段起始赛道十分平缓,但车手们都铆足了劲往前冲。The drivers carried small toolkits for making running repairs.车手都带着小工具箱,以便临时小修。The group of bicycle racers zoomed past.这群自行车赛车手飞速而过。The relief driver took over after the midway point of the race.替补车手在赛程过半后接替了比赛。The driver stopped in the pits to refuel.车手在检修站停车加油。As a Grand Prix driver, you have the Sword of Damocles hanging over your head at every moment.作为国际汽车大奖赛的车手,随时都有可能发生事故。The drivers raced their engines while waiting at the starting line.在起始线等待时,车手们让发动机高速运转。He was caught out while lapping a slower rider.他在套圈超越一位落后的车手时出了错。The race was stopped after a horrific accident in which two drivers were killed.比赛期间发生严重事故,两名车手丧生,比赛因此中断。The French driver has taken the lead in the Paris-Dakar rally.在巴黎─达喀尔汽车拉力赛中,法国车手一路领先。Many motorists have stopped using their cars altogether.许多车手已完全不用他们的汽车了。The world drivers' championship leader crossed the line ahead of the Swede.在世界车手锦标赛上,领先选手比瑞典人快一步冲线。 |