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词汇 躲过
例句 The wounded soldier played possum, hoping the enemy would pass him by.受伤的士兵装死,希望能躲过敌人。Touch wood, I've been lucky enough to avoid any other serious injuries.老天保佑,我一直很幸运,别的重伤都躲过了。The town had somehow escaped the depredations of enemy soldiers.不知为何,这个小镇躲过了敌军的劫掠。The island dodged a bullet when the hurricane turned south.飓风向南移动,这个小岛躲过了一劫。He ducked in time to save his head from a blow from the poker.他及时低下头,躲过了拨火棍的击打。Somehow, they've managed to avoid trouble.不知怎么着,他们设法躲过了麻烦。He dodged the first punch but was hit by the second.躲过了第一拳,但是被第二拳击中了。He escaped unscathed from the accident.他安然无恙地躲过了这场事故。He dodged the snowball that came toward him.他闪身躲过向他掷来的雪球。The submarine dived just in time to avoid the enemy attack.潜艇及时下潜,刚好躲过了敌人的攻击。He skipped aside to avoid another blow.他跳向一边以躲过另一拳。He dodged to avoid the hurtling bicycle.他闪身躲过了疾驰而来的自行车。They sheltered themselves from the sudden rain.他们躲过了突如其来的雨。So far the killer has managed to stay one step ahead of the police/law. 至今,杀手已成功躲过警方的抓捕。They have evaded capture/arrest. 他们躲过了抓捕/逮捕。The chairman has survived four no-confidence motions.主席躲过了四次不信任动议。The war had not left Bargate undisturbed.巴盖特古城门未能躲过战火的荼毒。The crew narrowly avoided shipwreck.船员们险些没躲过船难。They're trying to find a way to avoid disaster.他们在努力寻求躲过灾难的方法。Luckily, I was spared the embarrassment of having to sing in front of everyone.幸运的是,我躲过了在大家面前唱歌的尴尬。The chances of a planet surviving a supernova always looked terribly slim.行星躲过超新星爆发的几率总是十分渺茫。Hans deftly ducked their blows.汉斯灵巧地躲过他们的击打。Berbatov managed to sidestep a tackle and chip the keeper.贝尔巴托夫躲过铲球,挑球越过了守门员。He ducked the punch.他猛一低头躲过一拳。I managed to duck his flying fists.我把头一低,设法躲过了他挥来的拳头。Beckham slanted the ball away from Hobbs.贝克汉姆斜着带球躲过霍布斯。He avoided the draft because of a foot injury.他因脚伤而躲过了服兵役。Some creatures can conceal themselves from predators by changing colour.有些动物可以通过变换颜色来躲过捕食者。The animal will sometimes escape danger by playing dead.这种动物有时靠装死躲过危险。Lt. Forney managed to elude capture by enemy forces for several weeks.福尼上尉设法躲过敌军好几个星期的追捕。Dodging the blow, he aimed a few more jabs.躲过那一击,对准敌手又猛戳几下。His illness got him out of having to attend the meeting.他因病而躲过了这次会议。He evaded police by climbing through a window and shinning down a drainpipe.他从窗户爬出来,再沿排水管溜下,躲过了警察。He thought he'd never get through the ordeal without cracking up.他觉得自己即使能躲过这一劫也要变疯了。By flying low, the plane avoided detection by enemy radar.这架飞机飞得很低,躲过了敌人雷达的探测。I managed to jump out of the path of the bike just in time.我及时跳开,躲过了驶来的自行车。I took shelter from the storm in the clubhouse.我在俱乐部会所躲过了这场暴风雨。Someone was able to slip through security.有人得以躲过安保,偷偷地进出。They saw out the storm in the best shelter they could find.他们在能找到的最好的隐蔽处躲过了那场暴风雨。Scotland seemed to have escaped the worst of the recession.苏格兰似乎躲过了萧条最严重的阶段。




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