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词汇 躲起来
例句 Police believe the robbers have gone into hiding.警方认为劫匪已经躲起来了。He had a terrible urge to run away and hide.他有一种想要逃离并躲起来的强烈冲动。We cut back into the pine wood and hid there till it was dark.我们急忙返回松林躲起来直到天黑。At the first sound of firing he ducked.枪炮声一响他就躲起来了。We thought at first that she had hidden herself deliberately.我们起先以为她是故意躲起来的。She used to hide when he swung by her school every morning.以前,当他每天早上去她的学校时,她就会躲起来The group's leader has been in hiding since the government put a price on his head.自从政府悬赏缉拿这个组织的头目以来,他就躲起来了。Detectives leading the hunt for the killer believe he may be in hiding.指挥追捕的侦探们认为杀人凶手可能躲起来了。If he had another well-stocked hideaway like this, he could stay holed up for months.如果他还有另一个储备如此充足的藏身之所,那他可以躲起来几个月不露面。She wanted to run away and hide.她想逃走躲起来




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