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词汇 身陷
例句 Peterson suddenly found himself in the thick of desperate fighting.彼得森突然发现自己身陷一场殊死搏斗中。He was caught in the middle of his parents' divorce. = He was caught in the middle when his parents got divorced.身陷父母离婚的痛苦之中。It is all too easy for people to get into debt by taking out payday loans.去借发薪日贷款太容易让人身陷债务了。The people themselves weren't part of the conflict; they were just caught up in it.这些人不是冲突的一方;他们只是身陷其中而已。We were outnumbered and surrounded. Such being the case , we had to surrender.我们寡不敌众,而且身陷重围。事已至此,我们不得不投降。He is no stranger to adversity.他并不是第一次身陷逆境。She's caught in a quagmire of debt.身陷债务困境,难以自拔。Caught in the poverty trap, they are unable to save money for business ventures.工资增加,政府津贴就减少,他们身陷贫困陷阱,无法存钱办公司。He was imprisoned under sentence of death.他被判死刑,身陷囚牢。They're still trying to untangle the financial mess that they've gotten themselves into.他们仍在努力理清身陷其中的金融乱局。I'm in a huge mess. I don't know what to do.身陷巨大的混乱之中,不知如何是好。She found it difficult to endure the dishonor of being involved in a scandal.她觉得难以忍受身陷丑闻的耻辱。She is in a loveless relationship.身陷一段没有爱情的关系中。He fled the country amid accusations of fraud.身陷欺诈指控,于是潜逃出国。The company's byzantine accounting practices have gotten it into trouble with the government.公司繁复的会计制度使其身陷与政府的纠葛之中。




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