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词汇 身材
例句 Grandma was plump and jovial.外婆身材圆胖,整天乐呵呵的。The Juno Collection specialises in large sizes for ladies with a fuller figure.朱诺系列专门针对身材较为丰满的女士推出大号女装。She works very hard to stay slim.她努力保持苗条的身材My father was short and rather stout.我父亲身材矮胖。Cissie was round-shouldered and dumpy.茜茜是溜肩膀,身材矮胖。I vaguely remember her as being dark and petite.我模模糊糊记得她皮肤浅黑,身材娇小。The pocket-sized player scored two goals in the second half.这个身材很小的前锋在后半时独进两球。She plumed herself on her figure.她以身材美自豪。She's a vain girl who is always thinking about her figure.她自以为漂亮,老是想着自己的身材The evening dress hugged her curves beautifully.这件晚礼服紧贴她的身材曲线,显得非常美丽。The photographer asked the taller people to stand at the back of the group.摄影师让身材较高的人站到人群的后排。The knee-length dresses were unflattering and ugly.齐膝连衣裙很难看,穿上去不显身材She wanted to show off her new slimline figure.她想炫耀她那变苗条了的身材He was a very husky young man, built like a football player.他是个壮硕的小伙子,有着足球运动员般的身材He made a snide remark about Aunt Martha's figure.关于玛莎阿姨的身材,他说的话真刻毒。They are not unlike in essentials. Hair, build, age ...他们在头发、身材、年龄…这些基本方面并非不相像。She eats enormous meals but still manages to keep her figure.她吃得非常多,但身材仍然保持得很好。She has the dancer's finely proportioned physique.她有着舞蹈演员那样曼妙匀称的身材People were always commenting on his size.人们总是对他的身材品头论足。With his blond, blue-eyed athletic looks, he typifies the all-American boy next door.他有着典型的美国邻家男孩的形象:金发碧眼和运动型身材The dress I was given was intended to fit someone much smaller.我得到的这件衣服适合给身材小得多的人穿。She has a stumpy ungainly figure.她长了一副矮胖难看的身材Tom is a mountain of flesh.汤姆是个身材魁伟的人。The Juno Collection specialises in large sizes for ladies with a fuller figure.朱诺时装专门为身材较为丰满的女性推出大码服装。The girl is striking in face and figure.姑娘的容貌和身材都十分出众。His size was persistently distorted by the cartoonists.他的身材一再遭到漫画家扭曲。He was a man of imposing stature who carried himself well.身材伟岸,举止优雅。Janet was a natural blonde with a good figure.珍妮特天生一头金发,身材曼妙。Janet is taller than her.珍妮特的身材比她高。She's always had a boyish figure.她的身材一直像个男孩。Wow! She is really well-built!哇,她的身材真美! My idea of physical perfection is to be very slender.在我看来,要拥有完美身材就要非常苗条。The tiny little woman had huge black glasses.那个身材娇小的女子戴着一副硕大的黑框眼镜。She likes to wear clothes that show off her figure.她喜欢穿显身材的衣服。She was a small, dainty child, unlike her sister who was large and had big feet.她是个身材小巧的孩子,不像她姐姐那样高大,而且还长着一双大脚。The dress was shaped to her figure.这件洋装做得很适合她的身材She is a voluptuous, well-rounded lady with glossy black hair.她是位头发乌黑亮丽、身材丰满性感的女士。He was a tubby little man in his fifties, with sparse hair.他五十多岁,身材矮胖,头发稀疏。The shirt's ideal worn loose over leggings or tuck it in for a streamlined silhouette.这件衬衫最好是松松垮垮地穿在紧身裤外面,或者是塞进裤子里以显出苗条的身材She has a small frame.身材瘦小。




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