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词汇 路线
例句 The goods went by a rather indirect route.这些货物运输时走了一条非常迂回的路线He had marked the route on the map in red .他用红色记号在地图上标出了路线Don't get into the line of flight of the bees-you'd be sure to get stung.不要挡着蜜蜂飞行的路线,不然你肯定要被蜇的。We shall be retracing the route taken by Marco Polo.我们将重走马可·波罗走过的路线Logistics companies use computer-aided routing to maximize efficiency.物流公司采用计算机辅助设计发货路线,以达到最大效率。The alternative route takes you along the river.另外的一条路线是沿河走的。The spectators ranged themselves along the route of the procession.观众沿游行队伍经过的路线成行排开。The route we had planned took us right across Greece.我们计划走的路线正好穿过希腊。Rebels bombed the Beira railroad, a vital link between the capital and the port.叛军轰炸了贝拉铁路,这条铁路是连接首都与港口的重要路线He is a politician who has always hewed closely to the party line.他是一贯坚持本党路线的政治家。The walk is suitable for all the family.那条步行路线对全家人都很方便。He gave me a very precise route to follow.他向我提供了一条非常精确的路线I drive on/along this route every day.我每天开车都走这条路线Don't take that route, it's poison.别走那条路线,否则准保完蛋。As major airlines give up less-traveled routes, smaller planes are picking up the slack.由于大型航空公司放弃了乘客较少的路线,一些较小的飞机正在加紧补位。He was trying to lop some mileage off by going the direct route, rather than the scenic one.他走直路而不走风景好的路线,以求减少些里程数。There are many paths off the main trail around the mountain.环山主要路线有许多小岔道。Our route follows the Pacific coast through densely populated neighbourhoods.我们的路线沿着太平洋海岸,穿过人口稠密的街区。We retraced our route in an attempt to get back on the right path.我们沿原路返回,想回到正确的路线上。He will try to chart a new course for the company.他将尽力为公司规划一条新的路线The scenic route is to the south of the river.沿途景色优美的路线在河的南面。She gave me directions to the hotel, but they were, shall we say, somewhat imprecise.她告诉我去酒店的路线,但是可以说有点不准确。Marksmen were placed at strategic points along the president's route.在总统所经路线的要害地点安排了神枪手。There was tight security along the processional route.队伍行进的路线上布置了严密的安全措施。There are interesting hikes inland, but most ramblers stick to the clifftops.内陆地区有一些很有意思的徒步远足路线,但多数徒步者都去爬悬崖陡壁。If you go jogging or cycling, vary your route and time so you can't be attacked.如果去慢跑或骑车,要变换路线并增减运动时间以防遇袭。The route goes around the shore of Derwent Water.这条路线环绕德文特湖。Sometimes she would try out different routes to relieve the monotony of her daily journey.有时她会走不同的路线,以调剂每天走同一条路带来的单调感。The bus line comes near the school.这条公车路线一直延伸到那座学校附近。The augmentation of the army began along traditional lines.军队扩编是沿着传统路线开始的。It looked as though the most direct route was through the forest.看起来最直接的路线好像是穿越森林。The prisoners contrived a way to escape.囚犯们谋划了逃跑的路线If you're bored with the trip to work, try varying your route.如果你厌倦了上班的旅程,就试着换一条路线The route took us through scenery quite inaccessible to the motorist.这条路线带我们穿越了驾车者难以抵达的风景区。There is the dispute over the routing of a gas pipeline into County Mayo.对煤气管接入梅奥县的路线有争议。The parcels were misrouted on the railways.包裹由铁路发送时路线错了。He made a plot of the route of the hike.他为远足的路线画了一张图。There was no virtue in returning to Calvi the way I had come.沿着我来的路线返回卡尔维并不可取。Our route lay straight ahead and downhill.我们的路线就在正前方,是下山路。We took the trouble to plan our route in advance.我们花力气提前计划好了路线




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