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例句 She entered the hall after her mother.跟随在她母亲之后进入厅内。Western journalists are all embedded with the attacking US forces.西方记者全都跟随美军进攻部队采访。He apprenticed with a master carpenter for two years.跟随一位木匠大师学艺两年。We followed the footprints of a deer in the snow.我们跟随雪地里一头鹿的足迹。He leads; we follow.他带路;我们跟随Your first week in the job will be spent shadowing one of our more experienced employees.你工作的第一周将是跟随我们其中一位经验丰富的雇员学习。The president's car was being followed by a convoy of vehicles.总统的轿车后面跟随着护卫车队。As he reached the hall after her, he saw what had arrested her.跟随她到了大厅,看见了吸引她注意的东西。The funeral hearse was followed by cars full of friends, and a company of Life Guards brought up the rear.灵车后面跟随着一辆辆坐满亲朋好友的小汽车,一个近卫骑兵团殿后。Clarke was detailed to follow him.克拉克被派去跟随他。The press followed the President around the hospital, waiting for a photo opportunity.记者们跟随着总统在医院到处转,等待拍照机会。The Speaker is preceded by the mace-bearer upon his entry to the chamber.议长跟随持权杖者进入议院。We followed her up the stairs to a large meeting room.我们跟随她上楼进入一个大会议室。My tennis instructor says I need to have a better follow-through on my backhand.我的网球教练说我必须提高反手的跟随动作。She strung along with them to the museum.跟随他们去博物馆。All the dogs in the sled team follow the lead dog. They do whatever the lead dog does.雪橇队所有的狗都跟随领队狗。领队狗做什么他们就做什么。All you have to do is follow my lead, and everything will be just fine.你只需跟随我的指引,一切都没问题。The nag has been with John for so many years that it is hard for him to part from it.这匹老马跟随约翰这么多年了,约翰很难与它分离。They followed the migrating herds of buffalo across the plains.他们跟随着迁徙的水牛群穿过了大草原。He invited the excited Count to follow him through a dark cloister and into the abbey church.他邀请兴致勃勃的伯爵跟随他穿过一条幽暗的回廊进入修道院教堂。Canada's largest media operation would not embed its staff with coalition forces.加拿大最大的传媒机构不会派遣工作人员跟随联军采访。The tourists were taken in tow by a friendly guide.游客们跟随在一位友好的导游后面。I followed him through a maze of narrow alleys.跟随他穿过迷宫般的窄巷。A group of reporters followed the winning jockey and horse into the winner's enclosure.一群记者跟随获胜的骑师和赛马进入领奖区。He has a bodyguard with/near him whenever he goes out in public.他在公共场合出现时总有保镖跟随Others followed him and declared against the monarchy.其他人跟随他表态反对君主制。She stuck with him through a misplaced sense of loyalty.她盲目忠诚,一直跟随着他。Soldiers are expected to follow their leader with unquestioning loyalty.人们期待士兵以毫不犹豫的忠诚跟随其将领。He says he walks inside the prison without guards, unarmed.他说他走进那座监狱时没有警卫跟随,也未携带武器。Other oil companies are expected to follow suit and raise prices before the end of the month.其他石油公司大概会跟随在月底之前提价。He deluded everyone into following him.他骗得大家都跟随他。I'll follow you to the ends of the earth.我要跟随你到天涯海角。He groped his way through the darkness, following the sound of her voice.跟随她的声音在黑暗中摸索前进。Some soldiers and prefects followed Caesar out of motives of friendship.一些士兵和官员出于友情而跟随凯萨。He was attended, as are all heads of state, by a full panoply of experts.和所有国家元首一样,他的身边跟随着各个领域的专家。She followed the steps of the girl beside her.跟随着身旁的那个女孩。She spent the night shadowing other waiters at the restaurant.她晚上在餐厅里跟随其他服务生见习。She towed in attendance behind her a short man.她身后跟随着一个矮个子男人作跟班。Princess Diana was followed by the press wherever she went.黛安娜王妃所到之处都有记者跟随They followed her without uttering a single word of protest.他们跟随着她,没有说一句怨言。




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