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例句 He stripped the engine down and then couldn't put it together again.他把机器拆开,却没法把它再装起来She dismantled the washing machine to see what the problem was, but couldn't put it back together again.她拆开洗衣机想看看出了什么问题,但是却装不起来了。We struck up a conversation, in the course of which it emerged that he was a sailing man.我们聊了起来,在谈话过程中得知他是一名水手。If the new leader does manage to unify his warring party it will be quite an achievement.如果新领导人能将党内互相争斗的各派力量整合起来,那将是个了不起的成就。Stark concrete walls have been softened by a show of fresh flowers.鲜花摆上之后,光秃秃的混凝土墙便显得柔和起来Waves from a passing freighter rocked their boat.一艘驶过的货船激起的波浪使他们的小船摇晃起来She screamed again and stared in horror at what lay in the doorway.她又一次尖叫起来,惊恐地凝视着那倒在门口的东西。Larry rose excitedly to his feet.拉里激动地站了起来Cover it with plastic to exclude light.用塑料覆盖起来以避光。When he heard us coming, he hid.他听见我们来了,就躲了起来If your sister's around, bring her too.如果你姐姐在,带她一起来Nick left the engine running to warm it up, while he buckled the children into their car seats.尼克把引擎开着让它预热起来,然后趁这个时候把孩子们安顿在车座上系好安全带。Her mouth was twitching as she began to cry.她的嘴抽搐着,哭了起来The guests started getting up in order to see him. Miss Melville followed suit.客人们开始站起身来看他,梅尔维尔小姐也跟着站了起来Don't worry, old chap, it'll be all right.别担心,老伙计,会好起来的。All I had to do was jack the car up and put on the spare.我要做的只是用千斤顶把汽车顶起来,然后装上备用轮胎。After being up all night I was pretty dopey at work.我整夜没睡,工作起来很迟钝。She got into conversation with a woman at the baker's shop.她在面包店里跟一位妇女攀谈起来Her pink dress billowed out around her.她粉红色的连衣裙鼓了起来He spliced the two lengths of film together.他把两段胶卷拼接起来The sail billowed in the wind.风把帆吹得鼓了起来I hope we can move things along and get the negotiations going again.我希望我们能推动一下,让谈判重新启动起来Students often find that their acne flares up before and during exams.学生们经常发现在考前和考试期间他们的粉刺会严重起来You can make a big batch and freeze some of it for later.你可以做许多,将其中一些冷冻起来以后用。They picked up Oliver and carried him shoulder high into the garage.他们把奥利弗抬了起来,齐肩举着进入了车库。The transport workers were called out.运输工人被号召起来罢工。He picked up a pointed stick and began drawing in the sand.他捡起一根尖尖的棍子,在沙地上画了起来They dismounted, tied up their horses and gave them the grain they had brought.他们下了马,把马拴起来,把带来的粮食喂给它们吃。Planning their wedding was starting to get on top of them.筹办婚礼对他们来说变得棘手起来Emily dipped her toes in the water and squealed.埃米莉把脚趾浸了一下水便尖叫起来Let me help you up. Are you hurt?我来扶你起来。你伤到哪儿没有?There was a sudden flare when she threw the petrol onto the fire.她把汽油倒到火上时,火焰一下子蹿了起来His eyes glazed over as they started to talk about politics.他们开始谈论政治的时候,他的目光呆滞起来Mel cleared his throat and chuckled huskily.梅尔清了清嗓子,低声轻笑起来She lost her temper, started screaming, and was immediately shown the door.她发脾气尖叫了起来,立即就被撵了出去。The dead tennis ball would hardly bounce.没有弹力的网球几乎一点都弹不起来I want to let my hair grow.我想把头发留起来I hope he hasn't brought his brother with him.我希望他没有带他弟弟一起来The bridge can be raised to allow ships to pass under it.这座桥可以升起来让船从下面驶过。The competition is heating up.竞争激烈起来了。




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