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例句 The fines are large enough to be an effective deterrent against speeding.高额罚金对于超速驾驶足以起到有效的威摄作用。The navy played a limited but significant role in defeating the rebellion.海军在平息这场叛乱的过程中起到了有限但却十分重要的作用。The tough new law should act as a deterrent.这项严厉的新法将起到威慑作用。Her comments have done nothing to quiet the controversy.她的评论对平息这场争论没起到任何作用。He argues that the tax cuts would give a considerable stimulus/boost to the economy.他认为减税会对经济起到相当大的刺激/推动作用。Schools do part of the job of socializing children.学校在使孩子们社会化方面起到部分作用。Any information would be a great help.任何信息都会起到很大作用。A cut in interest rates will help the country's moribund housing market.利率的下调对于国家疲软的住房市场将起到一个促进作用。The frame of the car absorbed the impact.汽车的构架起到了减震作用。This latest election promise might just swing the balance in the candidate's favour.最近作出的这一选举承诺可能会对选民抉择起到决定性的作用。There is no way to measure these effects; the chances are it did some good.没有办法衡量这些效果;可能它起到了一些作用。Von Braun played a leading part in the development of space flights.冯·布劳恩在太空飞行发展过程中起到了重要作用。Cuban Americans play an important role in whether he carries Florida in the fall campaign.古巴裔美国人对他在佛罗里达州的秋季选举中的成败将起到重要作用。Their liberal views act as a counterweight to/against the governor's conservatism.他们的开明思想对州长的保守思想起到制衡作用。Beeswax acts as an emulsifying agent.蜂蜡起到乳化剂的作用。The egg in the recipe acts as a binder.这个烹饪方法中鸡蛋起到黏合的作用。You are more likely to have a useful conversation about safer sex if you don't leave it until you are sexually aroused.在安全性交问题上的沟通,只要不是等到激起了性欲才去谈,就更有可能起到作用。These materials provide the insulation needed in cold weather.这些材料在冷天起到所需的隔绝作用。I was gratified to find that I'd had some effect.我很高兴地发现我起到了一定的作用。While a moralistic speech won't convince kids not to try drugs, a story about people affected by drugs might.当说教式演讲不能起到让孩子们远离毒品的作用时,讲述人们受毒品危害的故事可能会有效果。You can propagandize just by calling attention to something.你只要通过唤起人们对某事的注意就能起到宣传的作用。Pictures play an important part in publishing.图片在出版业中起到重要作用。A British official said he thought it was an open question whether sanctions would do any good.一位英国官员表示,对于制裁是否能够起到作用,他认为尚无定论。It was thought that this would act as an incentive for couples to adopt older children.人们认为这将会对夫妇们收养大一些的孩子起到鼓励作用。Higher interest rates will act as a check on public spending.较高的利率将起到控制公共支出的作用。Cold water applied to the head constricts the blood vessels.洒到头上的冷水起到了收缩血管的作用。Museums should have a more involved or relevant public role.博物馆应起到进一步介入公众生活或更加举足轻重的社会作用。Savings can act as a cushion against unemployment.积蓄可以在失业时起到缓解作用。Hopefully, this punishment will have a deterrent effect.希望这个惩罚能起到威慑作用。A reduction in interest rates would soften the blow of tax increases.减息对增税带来的打击将起到缓和的作用。The foam operates as a very effective filter.泡沫材料起到很有效的过滤作用。It acted as a catalyst to set off new trains of thought.它对触发新思路起到了促进作用。The gaskets create a waterproof seal.这些垫圈起到防水密封的作用。His hobbies act as a safety valve, relieving some of the pressure he feels from his job.他的业余爱好起到了安全阀的作用,缓解了他的一些工作压力。Hopefully, that will have a deterrent effect on drug syndicates in the future.希望这能在将来对贩毒集团起到威慑作用。Inhalations of menthol may do the trick.吸入薄荷醇或许可以起到作用。The fighting in the Ardennes came as a timely reminder that the West still needed the Russian army.阿登高原的战事及时起到提醒作用,即西方仍需要苏联军队。He was instrumental in the reunion of the two parties.他对两党再次联合起到了促进作用。He said he saw the bank's role as a catalyst to encourage foreign direct investment.他说,他认为银行就应该起到刺激外国直接投资的作用。In his first years as chairman he was instrumental in raising the company's wider profile.他任董事长的最初几年为提升公司的知名度起到了积极的推动作用。




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