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例句 I didn't like his accent much at first, but it kind of grows on you.起初我不是很喜欢他的口音,但是慢慢地好像就喜欢了。At first I didn't see your point but after I read your report everything fell into place.起初我不明白你的观点,后来看了你的报告,一切就明白了。At first, Chris seemed nervous and unsure of herself.起初,克丽丝看上去紧张、缺乏自信。At first I hated the damp weather in Britain.起初我不喜欢英国潮湿的天气。Originally, the dogs were bred for racing.起初培育这些狗是用来参加赛跑的。I didn't like him at first, but in the end I actually got quite fond of him.起初我对他并没有好感,可最后我竟然挺喜欢他的。At first we spoke in hushed voices and crept about in order not to alarm them.为了不惊动他们,起初我们低声讲话,走路也蹑手蹑脚的。I felt okay at first but then I found that I could not move my legs.起初我感觉还不错,但后来发现我的腿动不了了。At first we were doubtful about employing Charlie.起初我们对要不要聘用查理尚有疑虑。I didn't care much for the job in the first place.起初我并不太喜欢这份工作。At first I was nervous, but I soon started to relax.起初,我感到紧张,但很快就开始放松下来。She started out wanting to be a doctor but became a midwife instead.起初想做一名医生,但后来成了一名助产士。At first, he thought the Pacific Fleet was under attack from German forces.起初,他以为太平洋舰队遭到了德军的袭击。At first, the revolution had little impact on the lives of ordinary people.起初,革命对于普通人的生活没有多大影响。My father was furious at first, but eventually we came to an understanding.起初爸爸很生气,不过我们最后达成了谅解。I didn't like him at first, but he's starting to grow on me.起初不喜欢他,但现在开始对他有感觉了。She took it calmly at first but under the surface was seething.起初平静地接受了,但内心却气呼呼的。Things were really tough at first.起初事情确实有点儿棘手。We only knew two people in Montreal to start with, but we soon made friends.起初我们在蒙特利尔只认识两个人,但很快就交到了朋友。At first it seemed the attempt to save the species was a lost cause.起初拯救那一物种的尝试似乎是注定不会成功的。The popular actor first demanded twice the salary offered him but then kept upping the ante.这个当红演员起初要求增加一倍薪酬,但后来不断提高要价。At first I was terrified of being laughed at.起初我很害怕被取笑。At first they thought that building a bridge across to the island was an impossibility.起初他们认为造一座连接大陆与该岛的桥梁是不可能办到的事。She started/began the business on a shoestring. 起初她的公司是小本经营。At first, the children are afraid to ask questions they think might be impolite or nosy.起初这些孩子不敢问他们觉得可能被认为不礼貌的或管闲事的问题。I had a closed mind at first, but now I understand the need for change.起初,我的思想很保守,但现在我明白了变革的必要性。The association began as a forum for sharing ideas about management problems.这协会起初是一个就管理问题交流意见的论坛。At first I thought there was no one in the room.起初我以为房间里没人。She'd liked him at first, but soon lost interest.起初她很喜欢他,但不久便没了兴趣。At first she wanted in on the deal , but now she wants out of it. 起初她想参与这次交易,但现在又不想了。At first Omar hated the rain in England, but he's used to it now.起初奥马尔讨厌英格兰下雨的天气,但是现在习惯了。I have to confess that I was afraid at first.我必须承认我起初很害怕。First he had been numb. Then the numbness gave way to anger.起初他只是麻木,接着转为了愤怒。The Indians were at first frightened of the fair-skinned Europeans.起初,印第安人对白皮肤的欧洲人感到害怕。The singer started alone but soon the whole audience joined in.歌手起初一个人唱,但很快全体观众都跟着一起唱起来。The kids spent hours on the computer at first, but the novelty soon wore off.起初孩子们花很长时间玩电脑,但是新鲜感很快就消失了。Initially, she contented herself with simply looking after her family.起初,她仅是照顾家庭就已满足。The initial trickle of money swelled into a flood.起初的涓滴之数增大成一笔巨款。At first the government played down the threat to public health.起初政府试图将对公众健康的威胁轻描淡写。At first I felt very resentful and angry about losing my job.起初我对丢掉工作感到非常怨恨和恼怒。




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