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The charge that Harding was a political stooge may be a canard.关于哈丁是个政治走狗的指控可能是个谣传。Keep a vigilant eye on the imperialist jackals.对帝国主义的走狗要保持警戒。Opposition parties accuse the newspaper's editor of being a government lapdog.反对党指责该报的编辑是政府的走狗。He had become the creature of the secret police.他成了秘密警察的走狗。He was little more than a cipher who faithfully carried out the Fuehrer's commands.他只不过是个忠实执行元首命令的走狗。He accused her of being a stooge of the Tory Party.他指责她是保守党的走狗。His coworkers regarded him as the boss's lap dog.同事们视他为老板的走狗。They accused the Labour party of being the unions' poodle.他们指责工党是工会的走狗。 |