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词汇 赚钱
例句 Athletes rake it in these days.如今运动员赚钱很快。He made a living by hustling pool.他靠开设赌局赚钱维生。It is an exaggeration to say that he earns more money than anyone I know, but he is certainly very well paid.说他是我所认识的人当中赚钱最多的人有点夸张,但他薪水肯定很高。Here, girls are often forced into prostitution because they have no other means of earning money.这里的女孩子常常被逼得要卖淫,因为她们没有其他办法赚钱He was always on his guard against moneymaking schemes.他对赚钱的计划总是保持着警惕。He earns the least money of all.他在所有人中赚钱最少。If Arthur was attracted here by the prospects of therapy, John came down purely and simply to make money.如果阿瑟是被这种疗法的前景吸引到此,那么约翰则纯粹是为了赚钱而来。The rooms were merely a sideline to the more popular and lucrative restaurant.这些客房对于更受欢迎、更赚钱的饭店来说,不过是副业罢了。In spite of setbacks and reversals, his business was at last making money.尽管有挫折和失败,他的生意最后还是赚钱了。His motives in choosing a career were purely mercenary.他选择职业的出发点就是为了赚钱She became obsessed with the idea of making money.她一心一意只想着赚钱It seems there are no holds barred when it comes to making a profit.赚钱谋利似乎可以不择手段。All in all, the companies overseas are in good heart and health and should bring grist to the mill in increasing measure as the years mature.总而言之,设在国外的公司情况很好,随着时光的流逝可能会愈来愈赚钱Opponents claim that the humanitarian goals of the project are just a fig leaf, and that its real purpose is to make money.反对者声称,这个项目的人道主义目标只是一块遮羞布而已,其真实目的就是赚钱I write for fun, not because I expect to make money.我写作只是为了其中的乐趣,不是为了赚钱People thought they were all crazy to try to make money from manufacturing.人们认为他们简直是太蠢了,竟然想从制造业中赚钱Fishing has been a profitable industry lately.捕鱼近来成了一项赚钱的行当。The lawyers made out like bandits.这些律师赚钱多得像强盗抢来似的。The insurance companies are in business to make money, not waste it.保险公司做生意是为了赚钱而非浪费金钱。He made his money buying and selling used cars.他靠买卖旧车赚钱I'll tell you precisely how your father makes his money.我会一五一十地告诉你,你父亲是怎么赚钱的。The entrepreneur boasted that he could make money out of anything, even pebbles in the beach.那个企业家吹嘘说,他能靠任何东西赚钱,甚至是沙滩上的卵石。Who brings up the baby and who brings home the bacon?是谁抚养孩子的,是谁赚钱养家的?When the business started making money, everyone in his family wanted a piece of the pie.当生意开始赚钱时,他家里所有人都想分一杯羹。He was trying to make some money in civvy street.他那时过着努力赚钱的平常百姓生活。He says he'll do farm work for hire.他说他将做农活赚钱Making a profit from laying horses to lose is no easier or harder than backing horses to win.通过赌马输赚钱在难度上与通过赌马赢赚钱没什么差别。He saw that his friends were making money illegally, and he wanted to get a piece of the action.看到朋友们在用非法手段赚钱,他也想捞一把。He earned money as a model for life-drawing classes.他在人体写生课上当模特儿赚钱Babysitting is money for old rope if the children don't wake up.如果小孩不醒,看孩子是很容易赚钱的活儿。The qualification should increase my earning capacity.这一资格应有助于提高我赚钱的能力。He renovates old houses and sells them at a profit.他靠翻修老房子再出售赚钱I started this business with the aim of making a profit.我为了赚钱做起这个生意。It seemed a fail-safe way of making money.这似乎是个万全的赚钱之法。Louis Berg is a multi-millionaire who made his money in the newspaper business.路易斯·伯格是靠报业赚钱的千万富翁。The dealers profited shamefully at the expense of my family.这些经销商通过损害我家人的利益不光彩地赚钱The company chugs along, making money and taking care of customers.公司一边赚钱一边为客户服务,一切进行得有条不紊。The island profits from tourism.这座岛靠旅游业赚钱As this infographic shows, more money is made from selling apps than from selling smartphones.按这张图表所示,卖手机应用比卖手机更赚钱The first thing you'll have to do is figure out a way of earning the money.你要做的第一件事就是想办法赚钱




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