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By the time I had budgeted for food and rent I only had a few pounds left.等到我计划好吃和住的费用时,口袋里已经所剩无几了。Get several written quotations and check exactly what's included in the cost.要几份书面报价,仔细查对费用中包含的内容。High fees don't necessarily equate to high service.高费用并不一定代表高水平服务。The mansion was too expensive to keep up.要保养这幢大厦所需费用太大了。I'll be happy to reimburse you for any expenses you might have incurred.我将很乐意赔偿您所发生的任何费用。The fee pays for garbage/trash pickup.这是收运垃圾的费用。Taxpayers will pick up the tab for the stadium.纳税人将承担建体育馆的费用。These extras add substantially to the cost of surgery.这些额外收费项目使手术费用大大增加。She used plastic to pay for her new computer.她刷信用卡支付买新电脑的费用。The high cost of health care in the US is causing a great deal of concern.美国高昂的医疗费用正在引起极大关注。The fees offered by the NHS do not recompense dental surgeons for their professional time.国民医疗保健系统所支付的费用中不涵盖牙科诊疗费用。This will defray the costs/expenses.这笔钱可用来支付那些费用。These tax credits are designed to help offset the costs of child-care.这些退税旨在帮助抵消儿童护理所需的费用。The cost was a strain for her to pay.支付这笔费用对她来说是个沉重的负担。The more successful we are at prolonging longevity, the more it will cost us in elderly care costs.我们延长寿命的工作做得越成功,养老的费用就越高。The work is slow and dangerous, whence the high costs.这工作费时而又危险,因此费用很高。I don't expect you to pay me, but you could at least cover my expenses.我不指望你给我报酬,但你至少也得支付我的费用呀。Send the form, together with the appropriate fee, to this address.将表格连同应交的费用寄到这个地址。We pay a flat rate for every telephone call.我们打电话每次付相同的费用。Hawley said these costs were scrutinised exhaustively by independent accountants.霍利说独立会计师详细地审查过这些费用。He charges a set fee for his services.他对提供的服务收取固定的费用。He lived in a hotel at government expense.他住在一家旅馆里,费用由政府负担。We had seriously underestimated the cost of fitting a new kitchen.我们大大低估了装配新厨房的费用。The expenses you claim can vary enormously, depending on travel distances involved.申领的费用可能相差很大,要看旅程的长短而定。My father said he's going to help me with the fees.父亲说费用问题他会帮我的。The government said it will help meet some of the cost of the damage.政府说将帮助支付损害造成的部分费用。The debate focused on who should pay for the changes.争论的焦点在于由谁来支付这些变动所需的费用。We'll make sure you have the operation, whatever the cost.不管费用多少,要确保你做手术。Parents are usually expected to ante up for their children's college education.父母通常要为他们的子女支付大学教育费用。We ran up a very large hotel bill.我们积欠了很大一笔旅馆费用。There are high fees for roaming.手机漫游的费用很高。You will have to pay the sum of the two sets of costs.你得支付那两笔费用。The price includes accommodation and car rental.这个价格包括住宿和租车的费用。Unlike aerobics, walking entails no expensive fees for classes or clubs.散步不像有氧健身操那样需要交纳昂贵的费用来参加健身班或俱乐部。Sceptics worry that costs may be trimmed at the expense of the patient.持怀疑态度的人担心费用的削减会以牺牲病人的利益为代价。Cost can make a difference in deciding on a college.费用可能影响到选择上哪所大学。Clients are charged at a flat monthly rate.按月向客户统一收取定额费用。The longer the payback period, the more it costs you in the end.偿还借款的期限越长,最终花费的费用越多。The increase in travel costs swallowed up our pay increase.旅行费用的增加耗尽了我们的薪资增长。Restructuring and pension costs will constrain cash flow.重组和养老金费用会限制现金流。 |