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词汇 费伊
例句 Mr Fay is to take up an appointment as a researcher with the Royal Society.费伊先生将担任皇家学会研究员。Fay sat down on the edge of the bed.费伊在床沿坐了下来。Fay Weldon has just brought out a new collection of stories.费伊·韦尔登刚出版了一本新的故事集。Fay was so impressive on camera that a special part was written in for her.费伊很上镜,于是戏里专门为她加写了一个角色。Gabb will be matched against Fay in the semifinal.加布将在半决赛中和费伊较量。Aunt Fay was angry and said so in as many words.费伊姑妈很气愤,并且明确地说出来了。Fay felt a chill of fear as she watched Max go off with her daughter.费伊看着马克斯带着她的女儿离开,感到一阵恐惧。Fay had been in her room for a good half-hour.费伊已经在房里呆了足足半个小时。Fay assumed an air of innocence.费伊装出一副无辜的样子。Faye dodged out of the way of the oncoming train.费伊躲开了迎面而来的火车。Fay spent a year in Italy teaching English.费伊在意大利待了一年教英语。




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