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词汇 贫富
例句 There is increasing polarization between the rich and poor.贫富之间的两极分化日益加剧。With urbanisation the antagonism between rich and poor sharpened.伴随着城市化的推进,贫富间的对立情绪也加剧了。The gap between rich and poor widens.贫富之间的差距在扩大。In Britain, the choice between state and private schools accentuates the differences between rich and poor.在英国,公立学校和私立学校之间的选择,突出了贫富之间的差别。There's a chasm between rich and poor in that society.那个社会中存在着巨大的贫富差异。The income gap between rich and poor grew.贫富之间的收入差距变大了。The gap between rich and poor has widened considerably.贫富之间的差距拉开得相当大了。Somewhere between the poles of wealth and poverty is the average middle class.界乎贫富两极之间的是一般的中产阶层。His world view revolves around a battle between rich and poor.他的世界观以贫富之争为中心。The gap between the rich and the poor has widened.贫富之间的差距扩大了。The city will be increasingly bifurcated between the rich and the poor.那城市将继续贫富分化。The gap between the haves and the have-nots is widening.贫富之间的差距在扩大。None of these countries has found a way yet to get around the problem of the polarization of wealth.这些国家都还没有找到办法来解决贫富分化的问题。The contrasts between rich and poor nations are a source of discord.国家之间贫富分化是纠纷的根源。He says that there is a widening abyss between the rich and the poor.他说贫富之间的差距正在拉大。I've never witnessed such extremes of wealth and poverty.我从未见过如此悬殊的贫富差别。




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