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词汇 账目
例句 We squared our accounts.我们结清了账目Something's wrong: the books don't balance.出问题了:账目没有结平。These accounts are utterly incomprehensible. Can you explain them to me?这些账目根本就看不懂。你能给我解释一下吗?Try to keep accurate accounts.尽量把账目记准确。Sort out all your bills, receipts, invoices and expenses as quickly as possible and keep detailed accounts.尽快整理好你所有的账单、收据、发票和开支,并记好账目明细。The entries for that year reveal the growing scale of the firm's operations.那年的账目表明那家商行的经营规模日渐扩大。There is a miscasting in the account.账目里有一处加错。The company manipulated its accounts to exaggerate its profits.这家公司篡改账目来夸大收益。How do accounting records operate?.账目是如何记录的?The result is a lack of comparability between the accounts of similar companies.结果是同类公司的账目之间缺乏可比性。An accountant has been hired to examine the company's books.一名会计师已受聘审核这家公司的账目The finance department handles all the accounts.财务部处理所有账目Catering companies are starting to rule off their books.餐饮公司将开始划结他们的账目I do all my household accounts on the computer.我用电脑来处理全部的家庭账目I put aside a day at the end of each month for doing the business accounts.每个月我都腾出一天的时间来做业务账目Sort out all your expenses and keep detailed accounts.整理好你所有的开支,并记好账目明细。All must be real accounts, no fake accounts or suspended ones.所有的账目必须是真实的,没有伪造或暂停的账户。In future, six-monthly accounts will be required from those firms that are in breach of the rules.今后将要求那些违反规定的公司每六个月报一次账目His memory about his expense account is hazy now.他已记不清自己的支出账目了。The company hasn't done a good job balancing the books. 这家公司没能结平账目He was caught falsifying financial accounts.他篡改财务账目时被当场发现了。He taught us to balance the books.他教我们结平账目The accounts are all in order.所有账目都清清楚楚。The church has hired someone to take care of the bills and all that business. 教会已经雇了人负责账目及其他事宜。The company's accounts were checked twice over, the second time by an independent auditor.该公司的账目被审查了两次,第二次是由一个独立审计师查账的。Why did the bank not conduct its own audit before lending still more?银行为什么不在贷出更多钱之前先审计自己的账目呢?I'd like to go over last month's accounts with you.我想和你一起查看一下上个月的账目The company's accounts show a profit this year: our accounts receivable exceed our accounts payable. 公司账目显示我们今年有盈利,应收账款超出了应付账款。The accounts are more than three months behind.这些账目滞后三个多月。We shall look over his accounts.我们将仔细检查他的账目Mr. Ford's campaign finances were raked over to the Senate's satisfaction.福特先生的竞选账目经反复核查,参院表示满意。He was convicted of filing false income tax returns.他因为在所得税申报账目上作假而被定罪。The local branch of Bank of America is handling the accounts.美国银行在当地的分行正在处理这些账目I keep accounts for the business, but I'm not scientific about it.业务往来我留有账目,但不是很精细。He is absolutely scrupulous in his handling of the association's accounts.他在掌管协会的账目时绝对廉正。Auditors have uncovered serious irregularities in the accounts.审计人员发现账目中存在严重的违规情况。The company has to make its accounts and operations as transparent as possible.公司必须使其账目与运作尽可能地清晰透明。He wanted the account put in apple-pie order.他要求把账目记得一清二楚。 Sally looks after the accounts, and I'm in charge of the building itself.萨莉负责账目,我管建筑项目。The current account of the balance of payments is in deficit.目前的收支平衡账目出现赤字。




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