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I'm not taking off at the press, Jack.杰克,我不是在责怪报界。Public opinion blames Mrs. Smith for leading the girl astray.舆论责怪史密斯夫人把那位姑娘引入歧途。Who in honesty can blame her?说实在的谁能责怪她?He's always blamed his parents for turning him into a social misfit.他总是责怪父母把他变成一个与社会格格不入的人。She sought to deflect criticism by blaming her family.她责怪家人,企图转移对她的批评。My brothers and sisters were always on my case.我的兄弟姐妹老是不停地责怪我。Some drivers admit they goofed. Others blame anyone except themselves.有些驾车者会承认自己犯错,另一些人则全然责怪别They admonished me for taking risks with my health.他们因为我拿自己的健康冒险而责怪我。I've no-one to blame but myself – I went into this deal with my eyes open.我没有人可以责怪,只能怨自己 — 我是明明知道做这笔交易的后果的。She chided us for arriving late.她责怪我们迟到了。I don't blame Jack for the mistake.对于这个过错,我不责怪杰克。He blamed Fiona for a lousy weekend.他责怪菲奥娜让他过了一个糟糕的周末。No one is to blame except myself.除了我自己不能责怪任何人。She had never uttered a word of reproach.她一句责怪的话也没说。They blamed their leaders for each and every disaster.每发生一次灾祸他们都责怪他们的领导人。It seems he's not solely to blame for the accident.发生这起事故似乎不能只责怪他。You mustn't blame yourself. It was an accident. There was nothing you could have done.你不应该责怪自己,这是一场意外,你没有办法的。When anything went wrong, his invariable response was to blame others.一旦有问题出现,他总是责怪他人。No one can accuse pensioners of being slow off the mark.谁也不能责怪那些靠补助金生活的人反应迟钝。She blamed the tourists pushing like mad things, always in a hurry.她责怪游客们乱挤乱推,总是急急匆匆的。I'm doing the best I can! Don't belabour me!我已经尽了最大努力! 别责怪我了!It's unfair to pick on teachers for the problems in our schools when politicians are equally to blame.学校出了问题,只责怪老师是不公平的,政治家们也应受到批评。She clearly blamed me personally for the difficulties she'd been having.对于遇到的困难她显然就责怪我一个人。Hurry up! It's me who'll get the blame if we're late.快些!我们迟到的话,受到责怪的是我。He blamed his parents. Mostly he blamed his dad.他责怪父母,主要是责怪他爸爸。If you do your best and you lose, you can't beat yourself up about it.你要是尽了最大努力后还是失败,就不能太责怪自己了。She writes me often, if only to scold me because I haven't written to her.她常来信,即使仅仅为了责怪我还没写信给她。The children were not to blame for the accident.这次意外事故不应责怪这些孩子。She blames Eleanor for her husband's frequent absences.她因丈夫经常不在家而责怪埃莉诺。Larry always blames me whenever anything goes wrong.每每有什么事情出现问题,拉里总是责怪我。He even had the gall to blame Lucy for it.这件事他居然有脸责怪露西。If it wasn't Sam's fault, why was I blaming him?如果这不是萨姆的过错,为什么我要责怪他?I can't say I blame you for being annoyed.我不认为我是生气了才责怪你。I knew that they would point the finger at me.我知道他们会责怪我的。She called him on his sloppy dress.她责怪他衣冠不整。He glanced at her with reproach.他责怪地瞥了她一眼。Eleanor would later blame her mother-in-law for her husband's frequent absences.埃莉诺过后会因丈夫经常不在家而责怪婆婆。There's no point in reproaching yourself - there's nothing you could have done.你责怪自己也没用,这件事情你无能为力。It annoys me to hear people blaming everything on the government.我很讨厌听到人们把每件事都责怪到政府的头上。She chided him into apologizing.她责怪他,使他不得不表示抱歉。 |