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词汇 贝丝
例句 Beth ate her evening meal in the hotel.贝丝在宾馆吃了晚餐。Beth was struck by how Naomi took the mistake in her stride.娜奥米在失误面前的处乱不惊给贝丝留下了深刻印象。Bess closed her eyes and fell asleep.贝丝合上眼睛睡着了。Beth was aghast at what she had just heard.贝丝被刚才所听到的惊呆了。George decided that Bess had better leave before she exploded.乔治认为最好让贝丝在发作之前离开。Beth's experience suggests that people don't really change deep down.贝丝的经历表明人们内心深处并不会真正改变。Beth was very tired and readily accepted a seat when it was offered.贝丝非常累,有人让座位,她就爽快地接受了。Beth's at the salon having her hair cut.贝丝在发廊剪头发。Bess was self-conscious about being shorter than her two friends.贝丝因比她的两个朋友个子都矮而感到很不自在。Beth wished she could stay there forever.贝丝真希望能永远待在那里。She sensed Beth's deep sadness.她感觉到了贝丝深深的哀痛。We've playlisted many artists like Beth Orton who got picked up down the line by others.我们把很多像贝丝·奥顿这样的艺术家纳入了播放表,他们之后也逐渐为其他人所认识。Bess stabbed a slice of cucumber.贝丝叉起一片黄瓜。Beth went to Israel in search of her roots.贝丝去以色列寻根。Beth has an awful cold.贝丝得了重感冒。It concerned her that Bess was developing a crush on Max.贝丝迷上了马克斯,这让她很担心。Beth's very competitive, even with her friends.贝丝非常好胜,就是在朋友中间也是如此。I think Beth dresses very nicely.我认为贝丝非常会穿衣服。Mary Beth had a busy legal practice in Los Angeles.玛丽·贝丝在洛杉矶有一家业务繁忙的律师事务所。Bess smiled so that her dimples showed.贝丝笑了,脸上现出了酒窝。Beth sweated blood over that article.贝丝花了很大的心血写那篇文章。Beth stood there, silent and thoughtful, for a long time.贝丝长时间地站在那儿静静地思考。Beth reached out and touched his cheek.贝丝伸出手摸了摸他的脸颊。We always use the nickname Beth for our daughter Elizabeth.我们总是把女儿伊丽莎白昵称为“贝丝”。Jim and Beth seem to spend all their time arguing.吉姆和贝丝好像整天都在争吵。George caught the look and decided that Bess had better leave before she exploded.乔治看到这一表情,认为最好让贝丝在发作之前离开。After many job applications and interviews, Beth Ann finally got lucky.经过多次的求职申请和面试,贝丝・安终于成了幸运儿。Beth is one of the most popular girls in her class.贝丝是班上人缘最好的女孩之一。Bess spoke up, smiling so that her dimples showed.贝丝大声说话,微笑的脸上现出了酒窝。Beth and Martin always seemed to be the perfect couple.贝丝和马丁总是看上去像天生的一对。Donna would not easily forgive Beth's silly attempt to trick her.唐娜不会轻易原谅贝丝想欺骗她的愚蠢企图。We're giving a shower for Beth next week.下周我们为贝丝举行送礼会。Beth's trying to worm her way out of helping with the party.贝丝是想逃避,不想给聚会帮忙。Beth's incoherence told Amy that something was terribly wrong.贝丝的语无伦次让埃米认识到有非常糟糕的事情发生了。Beth spoke of Dr. Hammer in laudatory terms.贝丝谈及哈默医生时赞不绝口。Jimmy is adopted and thus unrelated to Beth by blood.吉米是被收养的,因此和贝丝没有血缘关系。I heard an interesting piece of gossip about Beth Ann.我听说了有关贝丝·安的一段有趣的闲话。Beth arranged a meeting with the marketing director.贝丝安排了和营销主管开会。Mark often took his books to Bess's house to study.马克常常带着书本去贝丝家学习。Beth broke up with her last boyfriend because he drank too much.贝丝和她的前一个男友分手是因为他喝酒太多。




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